when the hancock fabrics commercial creeped me out

Our fabric store is hancock fabrics. It's where I get all my costume stuff. Well, they started showing this commercial for it, recently. The woman on it... omg, she sounds like she's in a porno. She's like, "hancock!" and widens her eyes, and then goes, "we're hancock... and soo much more." It is disturbing. btw, computer is back up!!!! WOO!! I held off doing my Art History final project since ...

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when we had an ice storm

Uggggggh, we're having our first ice storm of the year. Yes, winter is so lovely isn't? *bites people who keep saying they love winter* Arrrrrrgh we hates it we do WE HATES IT!!!!!!!

when i said mm-hmm

Too much bothersome, annoying, and depressing stuff going on here lately! I've got to concentrate on finals! And rewriting sundowner 7 for the 80th time so I can get around to drawing it! I was going to try to have the new design/update for the site up this weekend, but with the main computer being a ass I don't know if it'll get done before I go out of town. ...

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when i had a mail dude

I need to leave for work, like NOW, but I can't because the bug guy is outside doing stuff. dumb bug guy. At least it's not the creepy bug guy. OH! You know how I always say that the mailwoman is my mortal enemy? ..........I HAVE DEFEATED HER!! Ok, not really, but we have a new mailperson. It's a guy, and he is nice, and doesn't run through our yard ...

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when the computer crashed just to spite me

The dumb computer still isn't coming up so I'm going to have to rewrite the first half of my anthro thing again. arrrgh. I don't know what I'm going to do about my Art History thing. I really need the scanner/tablet for that. Plus I can't remember if it's due tomorrow or thursday. AND the pictures I'm doing for the revamp are stuck on there.... AND the .psd of ...

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when my computer crashed

bahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! my anthro project is due tomorrow, I've only done a bit of it, and I'm not working on it right now!! Why?!?! because the computer crashed and wont' come back up!! HAHAHAHA!! OMG I hate that computer. I guess I shouldn't tell this, I don't like to talk about things that *might* happen because then they might not happen, but I am probably going to buy a new computer ...

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when i was saruman

Sometimes, at work, I like to put paperclips on the ends of my fingers and pretend I'm Saruman.

when i got some otakon photos

My copy of Night Watch FINALLY got here!! yay! Pictures rescued off Kristie's film: Urd & Skuld: Urd, Skuld & Belldandy: Riding the water taxi! Getting tattoos Arwen photoshoot stuff! Dad's New Do: Dad's hair is longer than mine, and when I'm standing behind him at the computer I like to braid it. That day I got a little carried away and tried to fix it like Devil Hunter Yohko's. ...

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when i got some film back

I just saw a season 3 buffy episode I hadn't seen before, only read about, on FX. glad I got up early! Today we are going to my grandparent's house. It's just going to be just half of us there today. I plan to spent the entire day up in my room playing my Playstation - yes, playing ff7 again. I thought I'd try to name them all after buffy characters ...

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when i didn’t pay attention

Buffy was OK last night, I didn't pay all that much attention unfortunately. My mind was elsewhere...