when we saw two towers

I don't think there's any major spoilers in this, but if you haven't read the book or something you might wanna just skip over. Hobbits - When Frodo starts to get affected by the ring (specially towards the end) he looks really cool. Sam, Merry and Pippin didn't have much to do, so not much thoughts on that... except when Sam said, "I'm your Sam!" I was all verklempt. Aragorn ...

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when i was excited


when i was worried about two towers

I'm so excited about tomorrow, and worried, too. Excited to see TTT, and hang out with all my friends... we're probably going to be out all night, we're heading down towards the theater around 7 to go ahead and buy tickets, and eat, and hang out until time to get in line for the midnight movie. And once the movie is finally over, the reading group is going to have a ...

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when barret went on the date with cloud

As you may know, I've been replaying FF7 while at my gramma's, and... I GOT THE DATE WITH BARRET!!! YAY!! Now I'll restart and try to get the date with Yuffie. Then I'll have done everything possible in FF7! ...not sure whether to be proud of that, or sad.

when i fed a rat cheetos

I'm home for the night, cause we're going out for my grandpa's 80th birthday tonight. Tomorrow I'm heading back to jackson until tuesday. I got to go up to mom's school today and meet her class' pet rat! He's so cute, I wish mom would bring him home for the holidays but she says NO! He took all the cheetos I handed him. So, so cute.

when i needed to pack

Hey Tanja! Does he already know your address, or do I need to get him to send it to me and I send it to you? Other than that, everything is set! School is over. Yay. Didn't finish layout. Boo. Will finish it next week when I get back. I have to finish cleaning my room so I can pack...!

when i told people to go vote

ahhhh go to cosplaylab.com and vote to keep non-anime inspired costumes there! that's one of my favourite things about cosplaylab, searching for all kinds of costumes and seeing what all people have done. I don't see anything in the term "costume play" that says "anime only"! I mean, yeah, wearing harry potter to an ANIME convention might be weird, but it's whatever! I still consider wearing a harry potter ...

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when i made an A+

How cool am I! I made an A+ on my Anthropology interview. Interview = 30% of my grade, midterm (I made a 97) = 25%... I think I did all right on my final exam, I'll find out my grade on tuesday. I think, if I don't make an A in this class, it'll only be because of my absences. I had a lot of them this semester. I'm keeping my cousin until saturday again, ...

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