when someone always loses a hat

I noticed something yesterday. Anytime someone is hit by a car (sometimes when there's just a regular car accident, but usually when someone is hit), the local news always shows a shot of a hat, laying forgotten in the road. I realised this yesterday, and I've begun to suspect that the camera crew just throws a hat out there and films it - I mean, could all these people hit ...

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when i actually went to work

So my class today, which was supposed to go from 9 AM to 3 PM, ended at 9:30. score! I'm back at work. If I were still at my old job, I would have just told them I was in class all day and couldn't come in. But I like my new job. So here I am. I'm going to work on valentines tonight, instead of the layout... although I did get some ...

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when we all bought socks

I need new socks. I haven't had any new socks since that day last summer when me, Rachel, David and Ash went to Wal-mart, and we each bought a new pack of socks. Still not sure why we did that.

when cath went to malta

I got LOTR valentines at the grocery store. I wonder what Tolkien what think of kids giving each other little cards that say, "One friendship to rule them all." I'm not even going to be in town that day, I'll be at Katsucon. I'll have to give Cath hers this month, since she'll be in MALTA then. I still can't believe she's going to Malta. The only things I associate ...

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when i was playing the two towers game

You know, guys, as much as we appreciate the help of the Elvish archers, can you guys do anything besides get in my way? I mean, am I the only person in Helm's Deep who knows how to kick over a ladder? Please.

when it was time for the hp vday project

My grandfather got a call today - some senator put in his name for some kind of EPA committee and they wanted him to go to DC and be on it. He was all excited about it and called Na to tell us about it at work today. When Na asked if he accepted, he said, "Are you crazy? I'm too old for that." The funniest thing though, was when ...

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when i was mad about gary oldman

Gary Oldman as Sirius Black???? Noooooo Don't get me wrong, I like Gary Oldman, he's cool. He's just not Sirius. I will not be happy with anyone they pick.

when i was going to be in a skit

Who has seen these pics from a ROTK (Man, it's hard not to type ROTJ) calendar? It looks like my Eowyn costume might end up in ROTK!! Woo! And the Aragorn pic, where he's wearing the Gondor symbol thingie, ah... *wipes tear* And I'm not much for Frodo but that picture had even me in giggles. For those of you who don't read my cosplay journal, I now have about ...

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when indy ate part of my costume

Indy got in trouble tonight. I was spray painting some stuff outside, and dropped a little wooden star when I came in. Indy was right there, and I said, "Don't you get that!" She walked off. I set my stuff down and turned around to pick it up and... it was gone. Dad was standing right there and Indy ran past him, and I said "Catch her, did she get ...

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when lotr invaded my life

LOTR has invaded my life: -I keep saying "I care not" instead of "I don't care" -At work we have a flyer we send to people and at the bottom it says "We care about your little ones." And everytime I read it, I think, "(gasping)They took the little ones!!" -Again at work, a random round piece of red velcro stuck on a shelf got decorated with a black ...

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