when i posted lots of pics

What? BBS? Oh, I just put that there to tease you all. No, I do plan on having another bbs, much smaller and NOT WOFS. I have to think of another name. But I'm waiting til I finish the move to hostrocket to put it up. Can some HP fanatic out there give me some other blond (male) characters? Preferably either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. Not Hufflepuff. I promised my cousin ...

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when i finally redesigned the site

When I woke up this morning and looked at the paper, the headlines read, HELL FREEZES OVER

when i discovered a shocking family secret

Today I discovered something about my family. Something that shocked me, and changed my perception of everything. My great-great-grandfather owned a monkey.

when i touched a baby kangaroo

So last night we went to see About Schmidt, which I kinda liked but none of my friends did. But that's not the point of this post. The point is, we went to one of my least favourite theaters: the new Cordova one, which is always *crawling* with 50,000 screaming teenagers. And last night, there were 70,000 screaming teenagers, cause as it turns it out it was the opening night of Kangaroo ...

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when i needed business cards

Ok, question: Which of my pics do you think I should put on my business card? This question is the reason I didn't have a business card for MTAC 2 1/2. Or for Animazement 02. Or for Otakon. Or for Dragoncon. Or for MTAC Pi. I just can't friggin make up my mind.

when i played sims 2 on ps2

Got a little more used to The Sims for PS2 last night. I like the "Get a Life" game a lot so far; it's neat to have actual goals in the game. My character in that is named DO (all of my characters have been named something like that so far, it's annoying not being able to type in names). He has shaggy blonde hair, big black eyeglasses, a sweater ...

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when i got school canceled

What I learned today: Calling the school to tell them you're skipping due to the *possibility* the weather might get bad might have some effect. I wasn't going to call, I was just going to skip my one class today (4:30-6), but Kristie decided to call and tell them I wasn't coming cause I had to drive so far in the country to get there. A few minutes later, the ...

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when there was a spy in spencer’s

Today I went to the mall before work to buy The Sims for PS2, but turns out that's coming out TOMORROW. Darn. So to console myself, I bought some other stuff. The calendar kiosk that pops up in november every year and disappears by february had all their calendars on sale for $3, so since I only got 2 calendars for christmas (I usually get like 4), I bought myself two new calendars. ...

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