when i was wrong about my height

I still hold on to this hope that I will still grow taller. Yeah, you heard me, I'm an adult (basically) and still expecting a growth spurt. I think it stems from the fact that my father, at 17, was the same height that I am now. When I was really short, shortest person in my 10th or 11th grade class, people kept telling me I might get another growth spurt, ...

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when I was Kid Funk the III

Holy cow, it's 11:30 and my mother is still up and awake? She's usually in bed by 8:30. Good grief! The world has gone mad! I have a new name at work, Kid Funk the 3rd (or, Kid Funk III). If I were in a band, that would be my name. That way announcers could go, "And on bass, Kid Funk the 3rd!" And I would play a little solo and everyone ...

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when cath was leaving us

mom thinks they may have deposited it in my savings account (I have direct deposit) but why would they do that when they always put it in my checking? ugh, I can't even check it online. Ash has... bronchitis. Is that how you spell it? Well, anyway, Ash has bronchitis. I bet she's faking just to get off school. That FAKER! >D Wish I had bronchitis. Speaking of which, ...

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when my card got declined

Ok, wtf... I just got paid last thursday, plus I got my year end bonus.... All I've used my checking account for since then is to get gas about 3 times. But for the second day in a row I've gotten a thing saying I've bounced, that I have insufficient funds in my checking account. I mean, wtf??! Mom's home, gonna make her call and see what the deal is.

when i found some dcon pics

Dragoncon put up their official gallery, and I found these two of me and ash that I loved !! This one, back a ways, and darker than the others, but I think it looks really neat. And my dress looks all cool flowing behind me here. And this closer up one, which looks like it's from the same photographer that did the softer focus one I had already found. I really ...

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when i got our akon tickets

SCORE!!! I bought plane tickets for A-kon today, for $68 per person, round trip. All together, all three of our tickets cost the same as what one of my tickets to Katsucon cost. HOORAY for low priced airfare!!! And double hooray since I'm paying for all three of us for A-kon :D And Ash says she has my hat. I have homework to do tonight.

when i threw a junior mint

So, Just Married was pretty funny. Funnier yet was the ride there and back - there, me, cath and rach had david laying across us in the backseat. Back, we had rachel laying across. It was funny. But, on my way home, as I got off the interstate I thought my back tires felt funny everytime I went around a curve. I got home and yep I was getting a ...

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when i got spirited away

I got my Spirited Away DVD today. I actually like Chihiro's/Sen's voice in the english dub better. I already posted it at my costume journal a while back but... here's my IN Progress Belldandy wig.. if you're interested in that sort of thing. Tonight we are going to go see Just Married, I think it's called? Whatever. It's for Na's birthday! I just broke a nail. It didn't hurt. ...

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when ash had my hat

I think Ash has my Going to Hell Hat. And I was going to wear it today...

when i had a long day

Oh guys thanks for all the comments on the update and stuff, but I know the design is just blah. It was secondary to the update. Whatever works y'know. I say y'know a lot. And now, here is a very long boring run down of my long and boring day. 6 AM: Get up, get Kevin up and ready. Give him some cheerios to eat. Put housecoat on over pajamas and ...

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