when i made a new bbs

Shh it's not linked on the main page yet I just used the old test board I put up last summer after WOFS, instead of uploading a brand new one. I'm lazy, so shoot me. Need to come up with a name though.

when i made a soundtrack

Life soundtrack... rules... 1. This movie of your life encompasses only the last two months, so the soundtrack should do the same. Therefore, if you went to Disney World back in June 2002, we shouldn't be seeing the Mickey Mouse March on your soundtrack. 2. No bogarting existing soundtracks. Make your own up, dammit. 3. No more than three songs from one artist/group. Get a little variety in there, would ya? 4. No fewer ...

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when there was a snow day

dood what's wrong with my comments? Ash - gimme my hat back!! SNOW DAY!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAA

when i was watching buffy again

Um.... oh yeah! Buffy last night was... hrm... eh, not so great. I dunno, it just seemed choppy and sort of useless to me. It just seemed weird. But I love Andrew, he is such a geek. You mean characters stop being mean to him! Anyway. Here's hoping next week is better...

when i needed to finish my valentine’s day cards

...must... finish... valentine... CARDS! I'm doing 3, although I haven't decided on my one 'normal' one yet. baaaaaaah humbug! New Phone now has picture of Harry as the wallpaper, and plays Concerning Hobbits for a ring. Will switch to Utena theme song for katsucon next weekend. It also has tetris now, which is a bad, bad thing. Once my mind gets in tetris mode, I'm like a druggie watching a lava ...

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when belldandy was expensive

It's funny how making the costume of a such a kind, loving, patient character can turn me into such a foul mouthed witch. Belldandy is finished! This costume comes in as my most expensive to date. The wigs alone cost around $120 (there are two wigs there). The wigs were sewn together to make one, and it's SO HEAVY. The ponytail in the back is about 3 feet long. The necklace I'm ...

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when i posted some cosplay progress percentages

Just a random update for those who don't read my cosplay journal: Jupiter: 100% Utena: 100% Belldandy: 90% - everything done except finishing the wig (which is giving me a headache) and making her foot things. Chun-Li: 65% - still got to make the actual dress part, oops Amalthea: 90% - was 100% until a small problem emerged and it had to go back in for repairs. ugh *hits head on the desk* I don't feel ...

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when i got a new phone

In other news, I got the coolest phone yesterday. It's so cool. *continues hunt for more music for ringers*

when i had dan radcliffe’s phone number

One more thing - someone just hit my site searching for Dan Radcliffe's phone number. Yes and that would be 1-901-526-5261. I'm all knowing, you see.

when i threw david an olive

So, Cath's going away/birthday party was fun. I went and sat with mostly Ash and my gramma, and we ended up being REALLY silly throughout the whole party. At one point I was trying to get Ash to catch grapes in her mouth from across the room, but she wouldn't do it, so I yelled for Dave to come do it. He did, and I threw several grapes across ...

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