when i thought about being aragorn

OK ok ok last post for today I swear!! Mom wants me to make Arwen's Blood Red Dress for Dragoncon/ROTK opening. But it's just not interesting me. I mean, it's very pretty, but making it would be just like making the Eowyn dress again, or my Chase outer dress. It's pretty much the same. You know what I want to do? I wanna go as Aragorn. I think it ...

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when i got sucked into an infomercial

Happy Birthday Cath! Hope you're having a nice one in Malta...! edit: OH! I forgot! I woke up at like, 2:30 this morning, and there was a Pink Floyd infomercial on. I laid there and watched it for like half an hour, until it started to repeat itself. At first I was like, ooh I might get this, because I thought it had ALL of their release. But no, only 6! I'm ...

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when it was time to fly

Did anyone notice I UPDATED yesterday? Isn't that amazing?? Tomorrow morning I have to get up at 4:30 to go to the airport :( But I only have on suitcase and my carry on bag! Does anybody know about DVD players and like, the x-ray machine and stuff? It won't hurt it will it?

when we were evil dictators

OMG Is one of the most hilarious pics, ever. Made by Tanja, in case you couldn't TELL! This came about because people on the bbs kept calling me and BBS mod team nazis. so there you go. Nazis.

when i shared my room

Did I ever post this? My room, sometime last year, when it was still clean Last night's buffy was good! I like Principal Wood. He's fun. Plus I always thought his mom was way cool so that just adds to his fun factor. Andrew= so funny! The microwave bit was funny. This was much, much better than last week.

when i was numbed up

So I had a dentist appt this afternoon - to get the permanent crown put on in place of the temp one, and to get a little cavity filled. He said neither would take long, but he wanted to numb me up and give me the gas for the cavity. Well, neither was very bad, and it only took like 30 mins all together... but oh my god, I have never ...

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when dogs could fly

There is a commercial for some kind of floor cleaner, and at the end of the commercial, they say, "And why do dogs always walk across a clean floor?" Everytime I hear that commercial, I always just have to say, "Well what do you expect them to do, fly?!" EVERYTIME. Also, today was the third time in about a week I've been called "Miss Scarlet." Go figure. Slow news day, ...

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when i finished amalthea

Preliminary Amalthea photos Holy mother of PERCY it is SO TIGHT. It's like wearing a corset. Which I guess is a good thing cause I don't need any straps to keep it up or anything!

when kevin decided who i could beat

During the car ride to work this afternoon I kept asking my cousin Kevin who he thought I could beat up in an all out fist fight. Here's a list of what he came up with... I could not beat: Buffy Spike Han Solo Aragorn Legolas Boromir Cloud Tidus Rambo Teen & Up Anakin I could beat: Willow Xander Luke (pre-New Hope) Leia Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin (at the ...

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