when buffy rocked
Buffy frigging ROCKED tonight.
Buffy frigging ROCKED tonight.
Gosh it's been a long time since I bought doujinshi... no more international postal money orders... just lovely lovely paypal...
Speaking of evel, I'm going to have to order another EVEL shirt from Tanja. I've been putting off doing that in hopes I'll find it, but... alas. We think it got left at dragoncon (although I don't know how, considering how thoroughly we scour the room before we leave. But that's the last time I saw it.) I may have to get a Percy is God and Boba Fett shirt, ...
So I didn't finish my homework last night. I took a gamble. I took a gamble on the school that stayed open last time it snowed. And yes, my friends! It paid off. Day of watching fansubs and eating cookies, here I come!!! *dances like a madwoman in the snow* And dude, I just had someone actually take the time to private message me on cosplay.com and tell me ...
Ok, does anybody else keep getting this "Error 503: Unable to load template file. We're working on this. Please try back later" thing when they publish in blogger? I've first got it week before last and keep getting it. The post eventually shows up... but dang this is annoying.
AHHHHH!! There's nothing I love more than coming home after a long day and finding a buttload of fansubs waiting for me. Joy!! I have a lot of homework to do tonight and classes all day tomorrow... so I'm hoping it'll ice and sleet and stuff really good tonight so I can have tomorrow off. I will sit around watching fansubs all day, eating cookies in my PJs! bliss!
Today I have got to take care of a few things, replying to LJ replies and mail and that kind of stuff. I have a few errands to run. Y'know, whenever I'm at an anime convention, I always feel bad cause I'm just not INTO it. I mean, like, I hadn't watched ANY anime in months before katsu. But afterwards it's always a big rush! Seems like I get home ...
POODLE WAD!!! Ash: If I am going to do Ruby Heart, I want you to go as some kind of Pirate Monkey Person.
Last few minutes of net time in the business office here in the hotel. Going stir crazy. Would like to wear a different pair of pants. Pictures when I get home tomorow...
hey everyone. It's Ash. Kell wanted me to post and let you guys know that she hasn't abandoned you, but she's stuck in Washington on her way back from Katsucon. They've got, like, 3 feet of snow up there and the airports have shut down. So...it could be the middle of the week before she gets home. Well that's all for now. I'll post again if anything changes. :)