when i made a to-do list

I've been wanting to do a little daily comic strip, just a silly sort of thing... I may test run it next week while I'm gone in the daily sketch and see how it feels. The thing is - and the reason I've avoided doing comic strips - is that I'm not good at that punchline at the end it needs. If I practiced at it I could get better, ...

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when i made some little fighter icons

Oooh these were supposed to be my sketch for tomorrow but I wanted to see them all together. madison is my least fav, he looks odd. miles is like all strong and kung-fu-y too. The girls were easier. Like, fer sure. I am still in the mood for making these, so I'll probably start on the lesser sundowner characters next...

when i thought of doing a cartoonathon

My school is having this Cartoonathon. I think that's what it's called. You get sponsers... and they promise to pay, like $1 a page or something. And then for 24 hours on... um, March 28 I think, everybody gets together and draws a comic. If you finish 10 pages in the 24 hours, your sponser pays $10 to the charity (memphis literacy council. I think.) Or, you know, whatever. If they pledged $10 a page, and you ...

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when my phone embarrassed me

So class this morning sucked. The main reason was what happened about halfway through our critique. We're all sitting around critiquing, you know, the teacher is talking and all.... when from across the room I hear this familiar little "boom ba boom ba" I think, "that kinda sounds like my...." And at that point it went into the loudest part of "Concerning Hobbits" as loud as it possible could. MY ...

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when i ate crackers in bed

You know I can usually find ANYTHING to write in my blog about, but... today... nothing! Can't think of a thing to write about. Weeeeell... I did finish my Kodocha tapes... am sad now. But I got more on the way. And... um, I shouldn't eat crackers in bed. That is all.

when we played the buffy board game

Ash came over tonight and we finally got to play the Buffy board game she gave me for Xmas. It was fun! Next time we play it it'll be even more fun since we'll know what we're doing a little more. I was the good team (Buffy Willow Xander and Oz) and she was the evel team (Master Spike Drusilla and Darla). She killed my Willow, and I killed her ...

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when we needed a chipmunk beanie baby

Hey Ash! Do you still have all your beanie babies? If so, do you have, like a little chipmunk one? Or something close to it?

when i found hewlett-packard doujinshi

Oh my GOD, that was fast!! I had 3 HP doujinshi arrive in the mail today. Much sooner than I expected. (hewlett-packard doujinshi)

when I almost did an Anya costume

Ahhhhhh pull me back from the brink!!! I almost just emailed a guy about joining their buffy costume group at dragoncon. As ANYA. A SINGING Anya. Shoot me now. I mean, what was I thinking?!

when i ate cookies and cheese dip

Hey! You guys know I've been updating the sketch blog again right? Tonight mom is going to a school dance and dad is going to band practice. They told me to stop and get my own dinner, but I think I'll come home and eat cookies and cheese dip. Oh and my new comment system is backblog, cause I just realised it doesn't say it anywhere on there. I need ...

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