when my lotr action figures needed to watch tv

Watched the Oscars last night. It was entertaining. Yay for Chicago. Next year - LOTR!! And a big ole HELL HECK for Spirited Away! Oh yeah, and Catherine - who is in Malta right now - stayed up all night so she could watch the Oscars. She said they ended at 6AM this morning, so she didn't go to her morning classes. It was also dubbed in Italian, lol. Now ...

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when i watched trading spaces

A few remarks on stuff I have watched lately: Angel - second time I've ever seen it, and I liked it. I recorded it (it comes on at midnight here) and watched it last night, since it leads up into the new Buffys. I've never been a fan of Angel himself, so I never really bothered to watch his series... but I think I may have to keep on recording ...

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when i couldn’t go to nimbus

Oh, btw, I'm not going to Nimbus this year. It's out... too much other stuff going on this summer - Akon in june, AX in july and Dragoncon in august. Just don't have the extra funds or time for another one squeezed in there. Maybe next year...

when i was suspicious

Mom is putting together this little photo album with pics of all my costumes in it, so she can show them to people. God. I guess it's kind of a neat idea... you know, when I'm old and grey I can pull that photo album out and think, "... gosh, I was SUCH a loser." I find it fishy that on the same day I posted a ranty private entry to ...

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when i needed thin mints

I'm pissed at the moment because I was going to stay up late and watch Angel tonight (first time ever, Willow's going to be on there - it comes on at midnight here), and now it'll probably be pushed back even later because of all the crazy news right now, if it comes on at all. Why do the news shows have to stay on and just keep repeating the ...

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when i was going to draw us

OH! I forgot. I want to re-do mine, ash's and cath's pictures for lazy eternity, so I was going to draw each of us as a character. I was thinking either... Stick with powerpuff girls... me as blossom, ash as buttercup and cath as bubbles. LOTR girls... don't know who would be who yet, but arwen, eowyn and galadriel. Hogwarts students... me as gryffindor, ash as either slytherin or ravenclaw, ...

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when there was too much advil

So this morning I was not feeling good, was in one horrible evil mood and made a very loud, angry post about various things I wanted to bitch about! And then blogger ate it. That just ticked me off even more! I was in that wretched mood until I took 3 walgreens knock-off Advil... I usually take 1 but I called my auntie and she said 3. So I was ok until the ...

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when kell went crazy

No TV and no beer make Kell something something...

when we were in jackson

Things! -Have not read book for homework due tuesday. -Too hot to draw. Palms sweaty. Yuck. -Got new clothes. Costume stuff. Faramir action figure. Hellsing v. 4. X-Men 1.5. -Saw My Big Fat Greek Wedding and The Four Feathers. Big Fat Greek Wedding was cute. Four Feathers was boring. -Went bowling. Did not win. Did batting cages, hit all but one. Rachel tried to get me to join the softball team for ...

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when it was time for spring break

I'm off to my grandmother's for the week. I'll still have limited net access as usual (1-2 hours late at night when no one will be telephoning. and I have to share that time with the others :P) Bye bye!