when i updated the site
My costume site got an overhaul!!! yaaay (I don't have a good blog header for this so you get whatever was filed under site update, haha)
My costume site got an overhaul!!! yaaay (I don't have a good blog header for this so you get whatever was filed under site update, haha)
Just a note - I'm going to be putting this on the SD index page with all the other ordering info as soon as I get a chance! Shipping will take 8-10 weeks. This is to keep our records neat - we try to ship in groups of at least 10, 5 if we have to. If we went out sending one copy every other day, we wouldn't be able to keep ...
I don't know what I did to deserve this, but it must have been something really, really good. I love pirates. (2016 edit: I don't know what was at that original link to fix it :( )
Going by the commercials, it seems Paul Lynde is on "What Not to Wear" Tonight. Or at least someone channeling him. Ok, so anyway. Meg Cabot was really cool. She was really, really funny and very nice. I got Princess Lessons, since I didn't have that, and had her sign that. (also got it for Cath) We had all been given fake tiaras to wear, and she told us to ...
Went to my cousin's tennis game today. They won (he only plays doubles), but the best part was when he got beaned in the back of the head with his partner's serve. Classic. I hope this link works - does anyone else think (edit: removed broken link) this looks really..... off? Like she's been overly airbrushed or something? (I will, btw, never, ever, ever see that movie. The ads alone ...
Ok, so when I posted on my sketchjournal yesterday, I put down "horny" as my current mood - mostly because I wanted to see more of my new buffy emotion set, but also because it was april fool's day, ya know. This morning I decided my dad might get a kick out of seeing that old pic, so I sent the link to him... a few seconds later, I realised ...
I haven't posted much lately, but I have been distracted... by 2 things, which I will come to in a minute. Friday I did... something, but now I can't really remember what. Saturday I went and WORKED OUT! It felt good, I got a good workout. I'm going to start going on a regular basis. I'm gonna be so buff! Then we went to the mall. I bought the new Buffy ...
I was using google image search to find pics of the Gryffindor Quidditch uniforms, so I could draw my reference picture. Out of nowhere pops up this picture... none others of mine, just that one. WEIRD. I had forgotten about that pic. I think it was something from WOFS. I think there was a 'sequel' picture that had me running away too? It kinda scares me how much I forget ...
I have this shirt... it's a sleeveless light pink shirt, and on the front it says "I (heart)" and underneath that it has a little clear pocket you can put pictures in. So if you put a pic of my dog in it, it would say "I love (picture of Indy)." I bought it cause I thought I could put stupid stuff in it, but since I've gotten it the ...
Happy birthday Tanja!! Buffy tonight was pretty good. Wood got on my nerves a bit, I've liked him in the past but he's starting to grate my nerves. Loved the flashbacks for Spike... I love seeing William, it cracks me up. Giles kinda pissed me off tonight too, but I lurve him so I'll let it slide. Did not miss the SITs. Only a few lines from them tonight, could ...