when i was going to trot for spot

I forgot to mention that my grandmother got me one of those Izone cameras... you know, the little polaroid camera that makes little tiny pictures with adhesive backs. It's really fun. Mom took the best pic of me and Indy with it though - Indy is mid-yawn and it looks evil! Next Saturday I am going to do this "Trot for Spot" thing. It's a fundraiser walk for the Memphis ...

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when we surprised dad

Yesterday was good! My exam went well. I always expect that teacher to throw us a curveball - he never really does. Then I took the poster up to school, and everyone loved it. There was an extra piece of foamboard in the package with it, so after I gave the poster to my uncle and threw the wrapping paper and plastic bag away (I had it all wrapped up ...

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when i had to finish a million things

Poster is finished. 7 down, 1 to go. I finished it around 5 last night - er, this morning, and then slept to around 10. Now I'm at the printer watching it print. Will take it up to school tonight. Made a B in my illustration class. Final exam for Art history is this afternoon and I haven't had a chance to sit down and study... I will after this, I guess. I'll upload ...

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(edit: unfortunately this photo is missing after a server move.) AARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHH PANDAAAAAASSS Ok, so I am happy the Memphis zoo has pandas. I can't wait to see them, personally. I think the same goes for everyone. Everyone is just so excited to see the pandas. But... you see... my school is right next door to the zoo. As in we can hear the howler monkeys and the lions roaring in ...

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when i had a bunch of family stuff

I still haven't watched Buffy from tuesday. I watched a bit of the beginning and the very end. ::grimaces:: Yeah I'm scared for life after watching the end. vulcanist indeed. Saturday was family get together day. We went and ate at cracker barrel, but they were unable to put together a table for 18 people so we were spread out all over the restaurant. Then we went back home and had ...

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when i would settle for a merry

Conversation w/my mother as we were leaving the gym this morning: Mom: Oo, Kell, look at that guy, he is cute! Me: [looks] Eh. Not my type. Mom: Well, you know, there aren't too many Aragorns running around. Me: I would settle for a Merry if he were a bit taller. This weekend will be filled to the brim with family get togethers. Normally I am all excited and ...

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when i bought angel wings

OH MY GOD! I am so excited!!!!!! Back around... oh, Christmas I think it was, Victoria's Secret had in their store windows their mannequins wearing these amazing angel wings. They were *beautiful* wings. I was already planning on making wings for my Belldandy costume at that point, for when I wore it to Akon (I knew I wouldn't have time to make them before Katsucon), and I knew I wanted ...

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when i wrote a craptacular research paper

I rule so freaking much - i made an A on that craptacular research paper for art history. I am stunned. What else... ah... hee.

when i had 2 printer problems

This is a tale of two printers. One was a colour printer, and it was named Crack Ho. The other was a black and white printer, and it was named Ole Dirty Bastard. Crack Ho decided it would run out of black ink at midnight on the night before it's owner had to turn in a colour print. ODB decided to continually have paper jams and refuse to print at 1:30 ...

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when we did an amidala photoshoot

More later, like w/the belldandy ones. Am all stressed out. Later.