harry potter

Will write about my long, long day in blog later. After waiting at Barnes and Noble until 12:30, we went across the street and bought the book at wal-mart. It took a lot less time and was much less crowded. And of course, me being me, not caring about spoilers and dying of curiousity, skimmed through the back of the book and found the major spoiler. Don't feel like reading book ...

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when i was 17 again

From now on, whenever anybody asks how old I am, I'm just going to say 17, because apparently that's closer to what people expect to hear. I'm so sick of hearing "no way!" like I'm lying, so now I'm just going to tell people I'm 17.

when it was time for akon

I'm gonna go ahead and make my "goodbye I'm leaving for the con" speech now since I have so much to do tomorrow & thurs. Project A-kon. Dallas. This weekend. I'll be there. As Ruby Heart, Nanami from Utena, Yuffie from FF7, Sana from Kodacha, Belldandy w/wings, Amidala, Eternal Jupiter, Integra and Asuka. Ash will be wearing Mama Kurata from Kodacha, Alucard from Hellsing, Ling Xiaoyu from Tekken and ...

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when indy bit me

I was playing with Indy a while ago and she bit me. Not unusual, it was just a play bite, and she didn't even break the skin, but apparently she got just the right place and.... OWWW!!!!!! My hand hurts SO MUCH. From my palm all the way down to my elbow. It's starting to fade a bit now, thank goodness... but geez. I guess she hit a nerve or ...

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when i posted some progress

and now some in progress costume pics... I've posted them before at my cosplay LJ but wanted to put them over here all in one place too. Ruby Heart - I still need to finish the hat. Nanami - basically finished in this pic, now completely finished. Sana-chan - finished!!!!! WHEE!! Oh yeah. I normally put blog on hiatus when I'm down to the wire before a con like this, ...

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when i rented the ring

AHHHHHHHH man I rented The Ring on ppv and with only like 20 minutes left the satellite dropped the signal!!!!! now I don't know what happens!! Last thing I saw they were in the cabin and the TV slid down and knocked her into the well... grr But before that, I had JUST rented it and then the signal went out and I just left it on the fuzz hoping it ...

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when i hadn’t felt like posting

I dyed my hair again the other day, and got it cut. it's pretty. makes me feel better. classes start again monday... (yes I'm taking a class over the summer OMG what has come over me) I'll post more later, I haven't felt like it lately!

when i dropped an ice block

Couple of things today: *BAD weather last night - lots of hail and lightning and thunder like all night. I woke up this morning to find out a tornado hit Jackson where my grandparents live. My grandparents are OK but ALL of the windows on the back and left side of the house were broken (and that's a lot of windows). My cousin and his wife left their house and ...

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when i saw X2

After the play we went to the 11:30 showing of X2. I'm NOT keeping this spoiler free cause I don't wanna. Wolverine - YAY Rogue - omg girl, go find Miss Marvel, drain her powers and be useful. Iceman - v.cute Storm - don't like the hair. don't like the outfit worn in her first scene. Nightcrawler - you RULE. I have always loved Nightcrawler, so I was happy, Pyro/...

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when i found 4 leaf clovers

Went up to the school to sell posters after the play was over last night - made a killing woo :D Best comments of the evening: "We are so blessed to have you do these posters for us." Yeah, I'm a blessing!! Also, "Are you national? You should be doing this in New York." And I'd be living on the street. Clovers. I don't think I already posted about this. ...

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