when i counted canadian money

I have to go the freaking doctor tomorrow. Mom made an appt for me without asking. They are not touching me! I had to go to the dentist yesterday too. Cleaning. Gosh I hate getting my teeth cleaned. Now I'm having to clean my room. And I'm not allowed to drive my car anymore until we decide what to do about it, so I'm having to get driven everywhere by ...

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when it was just a bird

*sobs over carcass of her car* I got a pretty quidditch broom. Turns out my cousin David talks in his sleep just like his big sister Rachel. We were both sleeping on the pull out couches in the living room of our suite in Niagara, and the sink in the kitchen kept making gargling noises. At one point in the middle of the night I was awakened to the sound ...

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when i met a mountie

I'm home from niagara! only story worth telling is that early today, while still in canada at the duty free shop, my cousin david and I were at the makeup counter. I was putting eyeshadow on his arm trying to make it look like a bruise. All of a sudden the attendant comes over to us and in this outraaaageous french accent she says, "That is for woman! That is ...

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when i climbed up the balcony

My car broke down on me friday. It was hot. It was bad. I will write more about it later. Today we got locked out my grandparents' house. I had to climb onto the balcony twice to try the doors up there. They didn't open either. My uncle brought us keys eventually but again, it was hot. Watching the Osbornes at the moment; Kelly has a shirt on exactly like ...

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when i tried to decide on a lotr costume

I don't think I'm going to do Arwen's Blood Red Dress for the ROTK opening anymore; it's just... I dunno. Iwant to do something else. Which one of these do you guys like better? I would rather not do Eowyn, because I don't want to wear a wig at the theater, but I like her dresses a lot so I'm adding them in. If I do one I'll probably go ...

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when I shot JR

My new shirts: I shot JR Ewing Saved by the Bell Zack Shirt The Aragorn Bobble Head Yeah I'm supposed to be unpacking...

when i played catch up

Ok, new blogger takes a looooooong time to publish on my computer. yuck :P what else have I not gotten to whine about lately? oh yeah! My credit card was about to expire. Last time this was about to happen, they upped my limit. That was a while ago, and the current limit is just not enough for traveling expenses. The card was originally just a student visa with a ...

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