when i found a fire

Oh my god I had a great adventure today!! Mema and I were leaving the mall (I got the Helm's Deep action figure set btw - Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Theoden and Haldir, and also another LOTR lunchbox! whee!) and when we got to our car I glanced in the back of the truck parked next to us - and it was on fire! It was actually flaming. I was like, "...

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when today was crazy

today was crazy. I stayed up late last night finishing my stuff I had to turn into and packing... had to go into work early, worked all day, tried to study during lunch. Had to give my lit midterm presentation at 3 (which went OK), and then had my math midterm at 4:30. The rain started while I was in that class. Of course I was parked a million miles away and ...

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when i was writing sundowner 7, again

Things to expect in sundowner 7: -space pirating!!! HAHAHA -very little piper. -very little qudiar. -mostly madison and britan. -fanboys -a fight that results in a broken nose! -the group seperated!!!! *dramatic pose*

when i thought about going to paris

I have a very hectic couple of weeks coming up. Midterms, fall break, keeping my cousin, and halloween activities... But, I bought new tickets for the Lion King (gotta resell the old ones) and Memphis is getting the 'Trilogy Tuesday' yay! I'm thinking of going to Paris for Spring Break next year. Last year my school went to Germany, and this year they're going to Paris, and the price is ...

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when i got an iguana and a beetle

Highlights of the weekend: Yesterday, got to hold a huge, tame iguana on my shoulder. Unexpectedly. It was so cool. Today, Ash's dad brought me a model of a silver Beetle that looks just like mine. Yay!! Again, unexpectedly. I have new art to put up, most likely tonight at my LJ.

when i bought some stuff

After work yesterday I went to Target and spent my birthday gift cards. I got... -2004 Two Towers calendar (Theoden is on September. Boo.) -Monty Python and the Holy Grail Special Edition DVD (I have the 'regular' DVD version that came out before the Special Edition... it's just the movie and nothing else... I was so ticked when I saw that special edition had come out just a month or ...

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when i had stupid lion king tickets

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I hate you New Line Cinema!!!!!!!!! GAAAAAAAAH Dec 16: one time only extended editions of Fellowship and Two Towers in the theater leading up to midnight showing of ROTK. Dec 16: I have stupid stupid STUPID tickets to see the STUPID LION KING *cries* gonna call orpheum and see if there's anyway possible to change our Lion King tickets, but I doubt it. the show sold out the same day tickets ...

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when i had another birthday

I love my hit tracker, it provides me with much needed entertainment everytime I look at it. Today's bright spot: someone hit my blog searching for "Elijah+Wood+gets+a+spanking" Cath I know it was you! You freako! Again sorry for not being around much lately. It's just been so busy. But my birthday has been swell, thank you everyone who dropped me a note wishing me a good ...

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when there was a nuclear disaster

I had such a weird dream last night. I dreamt that this nuclear reactor near us, like, had a meltdown. I woke up (in the dream not IRL) and everybody had burns from it on their face. It felt like a sunburn but it was numb to the touch. I was apparently living in this huge group house with my cousins and my grandmother and a bunch of other people. ...

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