when i hunted for sdcc hotels

This morning had to go work at my cousin's "Walk for a Wish" 5K. Mom and this other girl were at one place keeping cars from coming in, and dad and I were in another doing the same thing. But dad and I had the car, we just sat in it and would get out only if a car came along, so we were ok. But dang it was cold ...

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when i lost my cds

Hmm. The past few months I have really ignored my blog, there's so much that went on that I normally write about but just haven't. The big thing I don't think I ever write about was I lost over half of my CDs a couple of months ago (right before Dragoncon) - they were on the back of the car (as they usually are, and they usually get moved before ...

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when i drew a stupid comic

I posted it at the LJ already but here it is here... It's not SunDowner 7, but gosh darn it was fun to draw.

when trinity said shucks

Caught a bit of The Matrix on TBS or TNT one last night. Was amused by the station's redubbing of "offensive" lines instead of just bleeping it out. Neo gets caught by agents; Trinity's response is now "Shucks!" I mean, replying "shucks" doesn't really convey the danger of the situation. Shucks is what you say when you drop a piece of paper or trip over your shoelace - Shit is ...

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when i didnt have anything to do for halloween

This has been a weird week, not really because sucky things have happened, but mostly because I've been in a weird frame of mind. But anyway, Cath and I were talking about how much Halloween has changed just since we were kids. When we were kids, we were allowed to roam the neighborhood by ourselves. We set out when it started getting dark and usually didn't return until around 9-10 ...

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when i didn’t care about socks

I don't see the necessity of wearing matching socks. Especially in winter. Nobody sees my socks except me, so who cares if I'm wearing one gryffindor sock and one spiderman sock? Nobody, that's who!

when i had halloween plans

Things I am working on right now: -continuation of class project (ie - the Amidala and Qui Gon art from recently) -SunDowner 7, of course -idiotic comic project for no good reason -Redrawing a couple of old pics I had done for gifts that are now out of date -Scanning sketchbook stuff (I have a LOT of sketches. I just haven't had time to scan them for the so-called "daily" sketch) ...

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when my dreams leaked

I need to archive my blog pages. Have decided new shirt I wore today is lucky - was dreading school today because we had midterms last week and I knew we'd be getting scores back today. In Lit, we didn't get our notebooks back (I know mine was awful. There's no way I'd get a good grade on that pile of crap.) yay! She said she wanted to reread them ...

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when i got some leonard nimoy albums

So Mema gave me all these old albums a few weeks ago... mostly from the 50's and 60's, some into the 70's, some belonging to them, so that were my mom's or one of her brothers or my aunt. There's some weird stuff in there. She gave them to me to put on ebay but I haven't had time yet. I was looking through them this morning for one in ...

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when i got my sony mavica

My new camera! I don't get it til christmas but I got to play with it last night :D