when i got my tiara

In Lit class we watched The Ruling Class, which was great. Maybe the best movie I've ever watched for a class. I want to rent it so I can watch it again. Buuuuut best thing, I got my Arwen tiara!!! It's soooooooooooooo pretty!!!! I wanted to wear it all day but our big boss is in town in our office this week so I couldn't. :( Tomorrow I'll dig out my ...

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when yesterday was wrong

Ooooooooh now I wished I'd watched the Victoria Secret show thinger last night. look at some of these wings... oooooh I want! Those giant angel wings!!!! eeeee!! Uh... what else. Uh... my room is so clean it's so great. I cleaned out from under my bed and my closet is all clean, it's so nice. I think I already talked about that, but it really is nice. Yesterday afternoon was ...

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when i booked plane tickets

I got my plane tickets for Katsucon last night. They are kinda sucky and were expensive, but they were the only ones with the times I wanted. Flying out of Memphis at 7:50 PM Thursday night, plane change in Atlanta, arrive in DC in what is technically Friday morning ;) 12:35! But otherwise mom would have had to leave school early thursday and she didn't want to do that, or it was like, ...

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when i read the pern novels

Dad fixed the light in my closet last night, so I can finally clean it out. With no light in there for AGES it's gotten to be a royal mess. I got started on it last night but didn't finish. As a result my room looks like a bomb hit it. I just recently finished reading all of Anne McCaffrey's Pern related books, all except the very last one (don't ...

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when i refused to sit in the back

Oh! Things I forgot to mention. One of the jackets they were using in the play last night started to rip in the first act. It just kept getting bigger and bigger, straight down the back. They pinned it for the second act, and sent it home with us to repair it for today's performance. I've been wearing it all morning. It's a Coachman's jacket. Hehe. Also, I got to ...

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when i did yet another play poster

On the Razzle was GREAT. I laughed til I cried. It was SO FUNNY. David was the best. He is so funny! Sold a good number of posters, enough to pay for my Katsucon plane tickets. If I can sell a few more today maybe I can make the hotel, too. At the end I mention comparing May the Farce Be With You to On the Razzle - really, do ...

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when i got $60

When I was 6 or 7, I got $60 for my birthday. I'd never gotten much money for my birthday before, but for some reason that year a couple of people gave me money, and all together it came to exactly $60. I was so amazed, I'd never had so much money at one time before. Mom took me to Children's Palace (big toy store) to spend it, and I felt like I was ...

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when i was artist of the day

wtf? Why am I Side 7 artist of the day again? I was already it once I thought I couldn't be again. That's weird... and nice to wake up to :) Dad got Photoshop 8, Illustrator... 11, I think, and a new Adobe program called... I think it was In Design? He's been raving about it. I don't think they can be put on our computer though, it's too old... I'll have to go ...

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when i made a costume closet

My little project yesterday was turning the old store room into my new costume closet! (missing photo) Yay! I have all kinds of space in my room now, it's so great! I organized everything... all the things that could be hung are hanging on the new bar dad and I installed. All the accessories and things are in the 3 plastic bins against the back wall. My belldandy wings are back ...

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when i needed a con fix

Saw Matrix 3 last night - it was ok. I guess my main problem was that I had been spoiled on the entire thing a couple of months ago. I need a convention fix! The only one anytime soon is numa rei no con in december and I still haven't found anybody to go with me. I have a project to work on today. Must get started!