when i made wedding plans
One of the headlines from USA Today: "Pavarotti marries in Italy amid celebrities, clowns" If I ever get married, I want USA Today to report on it with the headline: "Kell marries in Italy amid celebrities, monkeys"
One of the headlines from USA Today: "Pavarotti marries in Italy amid celebrities, clowns" If I ever get married, I want USA Today to report on it with the headline: "Kell marries in Italy amid celebrities, monkeys"
For some reason, I really don't like to watch actors or actresses from movies I like doing something like SNL or on some ET report or anything. I can't explain it. I don't even like to watch Behind the Scenes stuff, or interviews. It's weird. Like I didn't want to watch Elijah Wood on SNL so I skipped. I don't like to read articles on things I like, either. Why ...
I just realised I haven't had a meal in 48 hours - that's probably why I feel like crap right now. Head hurts and everytime I finally fall asleep the phone rings...
Look out Paris - I turned in all my papers and paid for my passport today. Should arrive in about 4 weeks, the lady said. I actually kinda liked my passport photo - I had that "far away visionary look" in it. Heyyy... that reminds me... does anybody know exactly where in France Johnny Depp lives? Anyway, I got my Darth Vader statue today (it was free because I got a ...
DUDE I thought for sure blogger would screw up that post and I'd lose it. I mean, it always screws up and loses my long posts, and that was like, the longest post in the HISTORY OF MY BLOG. You're crazy if you read it all. I didn't read it all and I WROTE IT!
I have 2 papers to write tonight and studying for my math final exam tomorrow to do, but I don't feel like it right now! So, here's a reeeeeeallly long post. I'm leaving for New orleans on monday and I'm nowhere near done with my dress. Tomorrow night when I get home I need to bust out some fabric paint and get started doing the designs on my dress. My mom ...
Well, my plans have changed for ROTK! Our entire ROTK night has been flipped upside down, fixed, flipped again and barely patched together again. First, when it was announced Memphis was getting the Trilogy Tuesday, we called the theater that day to ask when tickets would go on sale. The person on the phone told us wrong (that they wouldn't go on sale until late november/early december - she ...
I have been called a magnificent bastard! One of my life goals is now fulfilled. Now I just need drive on the autobahn, sign that contract for the SunDowner movie, dive into a pile of money ala Scrooge McDuck, throw a TV out of a hotel window, and have a horde of flying monkeys. I had a bunch of other cool life goals that I wrote down one day, but ...
Sometimes I think the people on cosplaylab just randomly chose a time on the "Amount of time spent on this costume" section. 40-60 hours on super simple costume? Wow OK! And while I'm ranting, this person on a board I occasionally post at started posting in this one thread, linking to the artwork of the arwen wedding dress I'm making and asking people for pattern ideas. Thankfully the people at ...
Something really weird just happened. As you all know, I lost a LOT of CDs recently when my 200 disc CD wallet was left on the back of the car. So anyway, I'm reinstalling Photoshop on my aunt's computer (because SOMEBODY deleted it). I borrowed Dad's 5.5 disc from his office, a CD he doesn't bring home, and that I haven't had since... hm, since April this year when I first installing ...