when aragorn or arwen died, we weren’t sure which

My mom had two birds the she kept in her classroom, and right before winter break they both died. She was sad and her boys in her class were sad, so as a Christmas gift they got her two lovebirds. Wasn't that nice? So we've been having to keep them here at the house all Christmas break (usually the class pets go home with one of the boys), since they ...

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when i wanted to show off all my shoes

omg, I just got a message from an italian foot fetishist who wants me take pics of my barefeet and send them to him! lmao!!! For anybody who has read The Princess Diaries I'm reminded of Lily's stalker... remember, she wanted to devoted an entire episode of her public access show to modelling every one of her shoes, but never once showing her barefeet, just to piss off her foot ...

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when i was not in a slump

Slump?! HA! I laugh in the face of slumps! Finally finished it. I posted the lineart over at the daily sketch too. More fun 404 referrers: jumpingjellyfish ihaveastuffedfrognamedjepettobutherefuses toeatfliesbecausehesallergictothem And there were two from last night that I didn't write down: something about yemen (forksinyemen? can't remember...) monkeypants! There is a little teeny tiny convention here today. I want to go, but I can't find anyone to go with me, so ...

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when cath peed on the uno cards

Another good one! http://kelldar.com/flyingorientalalienlemurz You guys certainly know how to make me laugh! Ok, Mema's. There's really not much to tell. We watched Terminator 3 which was good. Something got Cath tickled that night, and while laughing she spilled her coke on the bed. So that's where we said Cath peed on the bed. On Monday, we all went to Wal-mart, to do some random shopping and stuff. ...

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when i yelled pants

I've gotten a surprising amount of hits from the 404 page to the stupid LOTR page - as such, I've seen a few of the "whatever you want that doesn't make sense" part of the URL that people have put in. Winner for best one (out of the ones I've seen, I'm sure there were some great ones I didn't): anarmyoflittlegreenmonkeyrobots. Tomorrow I'll post a thing about about my week at ...

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when i made a new 404

HAHA!! For the first time in YEARS I have a 404 file not found page!! I haven't had a custom one since I was on Simplenet. Yeah it's kinda dumb but as soon as I found out how easy it is to make one since Hispeed got bought out I had to make one! Hehe. Just type in kelldar.com/whatever you want that doesn't make sense and you'll see it. ...

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when i got ripped off

If anyone out there is a member of this Go-Gaia site, could I ask you a biiiiiig favour? This is a rip-off of my 2000 XMas Card It's near impossible to figure out where to go to report this if you're not a member. I tried my luck with the feedback form but I doubt it'll get to the right person. So if some one that reads this is a member ...

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when i misheard song lyrics

We, oddly enough, had an Elton John Christmas this year. Dad gave mom Tumbleweed Connection and Madman Across the Water on CD, not knowing that she had also bought me Goodbye Yellow Brick Road on CD. (all of those we had on album, but I had been wanting Goodbye Yellow Brick Road on CD for AGES... it was one of those albums that I always thought to myself, 'I've got ...

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when I got a sword

My parents FINALLY gave in, after 3 Christmases of asking for it, they finally got me Glamdring (Gandalf's sword). It's SWEET!! Also some action figures, clothes, LOTR trival pursuit, lots of DVDs, purple velvet for a cloak. All in all a very good haul. I'm going to have breakfast and put my things away. Going to my aunt's this afternoon for Christmas with my paternal side of the family, and this ...

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when i updated after new orleans

Ok sorry I haven't posted lately but if you missed it there was a big long post in my livejournal about the trip, with photos and stuff and pics of my Arwen costume from ROTK opening. Got back from Mema's last night - haven't opened my gifts from my parents yet, I'm waiting on them to wake up :D