when i thought of tiny tim

Today was kind of crappy day, because I got to feeling bad again and school sucked especially my Faust class. Turns out we had a quiz today and I hadn't read anything except one or two pages and was completely unprepared. I even wrote 'sorry' on the quiz because I knew I didn't get anything right. But, this didn't bother me. Do you know why? Anytime something started to bother ...

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when i had a camera tumor

gah I haven't been online all weekend, I suck. I don't even have a good excuse. It was just a bunch of little things that kept me away. In other news, I still have that wretched cough... that kind of cough that sounds like I'm about to hack up a lung. I saw Along Came Polly friday night - it was ok. I love Hank Azaria. That is all. Took ...

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when i went over my schedule

Argh. I came over here to write something important, and now I've forgotten it. Must have not been too important. So I'll do something else. Got my Katsucon prereg confirmation today. We're flying out Thursday night (the 12th), layover in Atlanta, arriving in Washington just after midnight. Yuck. Leaving kinda early that Sunday morning, so I won't be doing any con stuff that day. My new costumes for it are ...

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when i was sick and then not and then sick again

This week has been pretty icky. A week ago today I felt fine, then I got to feeling sick. Monday morning I felt ok enough, got there and felt awful by the end of the day, went home and fell asleep for hours. It's been that way all week, get to feeling a little better, get to feeling a lot worse. Right now I'm sinking down into the 'lot worse' ...

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when i drew john the baptist

So, today I went to church with my parents. I don't know why, it was random, I just decided I'd go with them. Anyway, my point is that since I've been they introduced these new programs just for the kids! So I got one and it had a place on the back where you were supposed to draw someone getting baptised at your church. At first I didn't, I drew ...

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when i got sick

I need to go home, before I get to feeling worse or something.

when i had chills

I'm sick man!! I woke up this morning with a headache and a cough. I went on into work and took some medicine, which took care of the headache. I felt OK and worked all day, and around 4 or so I left work and went to my aunt's house, because I'm spending the night over here to play with the Ipod. Once I got here, I was just like, instantly, ...

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when ash got chicken fries

Finally got a new copy of The Final Cut. Still messing with icons because I don't feel like doing anything else. If you missed my first set from yesterday, look here. I'm just so tired. I think it's the weather. This weekend in it was in the 70's. I was in shorts on saturday. Last night the low was 8. Schedule: Tomorrow: work. go to fabric store afterwards Friday: spending the ...

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when i had to have that shirt

Ok, never mind about the sketch journal thing. I can't figure out how to make it show for everybody without making it public. Ah well. I bought waaaay too many songs for my Ipod last night. I've used about a gig (not all that was bought songs - I burned a good portion of my car CDs into it too.) I found this shirt that I HAVE to have. I ...

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when i was kawaii

I had a convention dream last night for the first time in ages... got to katsucon on thursday, spent the night, and in the morning got up to put on tohru and it wasn't finished. I was so upset I was shaking! I don't know what brought that on. I haven't had con dreams like that in a long time, plus have over a month to finish just TWO costumes, ...

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