when aragorn was a viking

Tonight I was supposed to go up to school and sit for a portrait for one of the photography students at school, but he cancelled. Which is good because now we don't have to drive all the way down there and we have time to go see a movie or something! Yay! Although I think it is neat he asked me to do it, especially if I could get a ...

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when my teacher was simon cowell

I finally figured out who that guy reminds me of. I had this teacher who was uber-scary and tough and kinda mean sometimes. I finally realised today that he reminds me, not only with his personality, but also his looks and voice... he reminds of Simon Cowell! now I'm not ever going to be able to look at him without thinking of that. LOL. annnnnd a happy birthday to Tanja!!

when it was movie day at school

baah we had to watch movies in BOTH classes I had today. I nearly fell asleep in the first, and when I came into the second class and saw we were watching one in there too... AUUUGH. And me knee was killing me the entire time. I got all my day 2 pics downloaded and uploaded, but I haven't made thumbnails or a page or anything yet. I don't know if ...

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when i made a realization

So I was trying to get my pants on, and they wouldn't. I get them just to my knees and they wouldn't go any further. I was all like, omg wtf! Then I realised, it helps to unbutton your pants before putting them on.

when there was an elephant in the neighborhood

I dreamt last night about an elephant walking around the neighborhood. I remember thinking (in the dream), that man, I have to write about this in my blog! Regarding Henry is on. I love this movie. It's so sad! I love it when he comes in with the puppy, I just want to hug him.

when cath’s car needed a jump

I love The Producers. Just in case I hadn't mentioned it before. This morning I was sitting in the kitchen (dressed in my pajamas, my houserobe, AND my poncho. I was cold.) when my cell phone rang. It was Cath, asking where I was. I told her I was at home. She asked when I was going in to the city. I said not for about another hour. "Well... can ...

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when the lights were out

This morning the power went out. I got up around 7:30 and was on the computer and watching TV when it went off (what was I doing up at 7:30 AM, you ask? Ever since I got back from Paris my sleep schedule has been way off. I keep going to bed really early and getting up really early. blegh!). Tonight I came in and turned my TV on again, and nothing. ...

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when kevin was watching for the orange truck

I'm off to church today. just to see my grandparents really. Afterwards I'm going to go over to their house and show them my Paris pictures. Anyone who has WinXP or XP Pro, do you know how to get rid of icons in the system tray? Namely the ones for Wireless Connection. I can't get them to go away! I don't use them and they're cluttering up my desktop. I ...

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when we took some arwen pics

Saw Starsky and Hutch yesterday. It was cute. Took pics of my Arwen wedding dress yesterday! I posted a bigger set over at my cosplay journal. I need to be working on my cousin's Link costume. I started on my Faust work yesterday... did some sketches for it. Unfortunately I have no scanner at the moment, so... yeah.