when akon worked out perfectly

Perfect!!! When I'm in Dallas for Akon, there's going to be a Guitar Festival the same weekend. Anime con for me, Guitar festival for dad. It's perfect! Almost too good to be true! I'm really glad. I know Dad gets bored at these things with me, so he can go have fun at the guitar festival instead of hanging around at the con. Heck, there's so many big names on ...

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when dad and i burned things

Dad and I have been outside burning dandelions with matches. It's really neat looking! They go right up and leave weird purple fuzz!

when mtac was over

We are leaving Nashville! I hate to leave this broadband connection behind... Yesterday was fun! Kevin got to go onstage in his Link costume, he loved it. I got Best Master Craftsmenship..... which was kind of a given since I was the only Master entered in Craftsmenship, lol. But still! We walked over to the Parthenon and took pictures yesterday (it was right across the street), they turned out really ...

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when i was at mtac

We're here in Nashville in our hotel room!! Whooooo fast internet!!!!! I'm sitting here wearing Tohru, about to change into ChunLi as soon as dad gets back with my other suitcase. that is all.

when i left for mtac

Ok am leaving for nashvegas today. Buuuuut I'm taking my computer so I'll have net access the whole time for the first time! whoo! :B see ya later mateys

when I was too lazy to do an april fool day’s joke

hey it's already april fool's day in some parts of the world! I'm too busy to pull anything with my websites. not like I ever fool anybody anyway! but happy april fool's day, don't believe anything tomorrow! (and happy birthday to britan, as well)

when harry potter looked french

That reminds me... something I've been meaning to mention. My all time favourite "critique" has to be the one from some guy on elfwood. (it was really more of a "strange comment" than a "critique", but still) It was my Harry in the Rain piece: Person commented: "Good pic. But.... y does he look french?" That just cracks me up. I keep that one in my gallery because it amuses ...

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when i got irritated

Sometimes I get sick of being nice, and someone will say something to me online that will just irritate me to no end, when it really shouldn't. ie, person commenting on my Leia sketch in my devart account, telling me I "could have cleaned up the stray marks" It just irritated me to no end. Yeah I could have but I didn't want to. It was just a rough sketch. ...

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when i updated the site

Updated my costume site with my new costume and pics from MidSouthCon. here! I posted a few on the cosplay livejournal already but here's a few favs: The 501st Padme Jango and Boba Cath mans the guns We found a creepy sock Cath passed out I'm sooooo tired. I'm worn out! I can't believe I have another con next weekend... I don't know how I'm going to make it. I'm ...

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when i went to midsouthcon with cat

So anyway, onto more interesting things, I have been at MidSouthCon all day. It's been fun! Padme has held up well. I'm at my aunt's house now, waiting on Cath to catch up to me. She's going to put on Leia, and I'm going to change into my first Padme (the rainbow lake one) and we're going to head back. Yesterday, we went to eat at Huey's, and on the ...

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