when i found some silly string

Mom made me help her clean out my from underneath my bathroom sink. I was grabbing stuff out of the back to throw away - a bunch of old bottles of spray on hair colour from years ago. I grabbed one and did a double take - it wasn't purple hair spray, it was purple SILLY STRING!!! YES!!! I remember now, one Easter a while back we did this thing ...

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when kevin thought i was arrogant

Room = super clean! Now I have to clean the dining room and my costume closet and my duties are done. Today is my cousin's birthday. He's been working with us at my office, which has been fun, so that means we'll have cake for lunch today. Yay! The other day we were talking about anime, and he told me what character he thought he was most like. So I told ...

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when i posted some old random art

No reason to freak out like a jerk and kill all humanity! Cath has gotten me hooked on Pretear. I like Himeno especially - she's pretty cool. (no cosplay plans here, though. nothing is has caught my eye) I've been reorganizing my folders on here on my site (groundwork for a complete rebuild in the future) - the art section in particular has had the same file structure since.. probably ...

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when i made an oekaki board

blech I am all sweaty. btw... ha, I forgot I DO have the scanner hooked back up. It's been back up for a couple of months. D'oh. *smacks head* My friends and peeps are welcome to come join my oekaki board: here! I have to OK your membership so you can't just like go draw right now anything, sorry... but still. Silly me I've forgotten how to use it, it's ...

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when i was trapped in the bathroom with a dog and a cat

I never thought I'd be posting from my bathtub, but here we are. There was a confirmed tornado touchdown just down the street from my house - as in, just down the street. Y'know, JUST DOWN THE STREET. I didn't even hear the sirens until a friend of mine called and asked if I'd heard. I turned off my DVD and went to the back door and could finally hear ...

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when cath said hello

I'm in Birmingham :P Catherine says hello.