when i was chopping away at a poster

So far tonight I've watched Life of Brian and Ever After. Don't know what I'll watch next. Recently I've seen The Incredibles (great!), The Changeling (talked about that already thought), Repulsion (creepy!), and both the old and new version of The Haunting. Randomly watched the crappy new one on TNT or TBS the other day - the day after, we ended up watching the original one in Literature (and I'd ...

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when captain spaulding was french

Holy CRAP. Woody Allen's "Everyone Says I Love You" (which I randomly left it on, having never seen it), has a scene with a bunch of people dressed like Groucho Marx all singing "Hooray for Captain Spaulding" in french. Best thing EVER. OMG that made my year!

when i was the macgruber of photoshop

I am having an *awesome* hair day. Also I got called "The MacGuyver of Photoshop" today. That cracked me up.

when we needed to make room for italy

I just misread the name of the show "Make Room for Baby" as "Make Room for Italy." I guess it was just wishful thinking, because I'd much, much rather watch "Make Room for Italy" than "Make Room for Baby." Now I'm watching Kindergarten Cop. Who is your daddy, and what does he do? It's not a tumor!!!

when i had a bad feeling

Today I got to school and pulled into the parking lot behind the art museum (since at the time I get to school there is never any parking open in front of the school). As I was pulling into the parking lot, this white mustang that was sitting on the grass down a little ways pulled out, and came into the parking lot behind me. He parked a few spaces ...

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when the changeling was not scary

I have been so skittish lately, like freaking out over nothing, thinking I'm seeing things in the house. I don't know what brought it on, but last night I had to watch 'The Changeling' for one of my classes, and my teacher had been going on and on about how scary it was. So I was like, crap. I'm going to watch this and get all freaked out again and ...

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Ashley and I have decided to go on a cross country road trip with Jude Law and Ewan McGregor. Be back later.

when i had hitler screaming in my ear

I just had my first basketball practice in 10 years. Oh my god I hurt. It's been a long ass day, and now I have Hitler screaming German in my ear (thanks, history channel!) I'm going to bed now. I'm tired of all this. Oh, by the way, my Halloween pics are up - I'll be making a lj post about it soon but for now, for anybody who actually sees ...

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when i may or may not have voted for pete parker

So I got up at 7AM and went to vote. I'm sure as heck not telling you who I voted for. I never tell anybody, except my dad. I did have the chance to vote for Pete Parker in one of the local races. Did I take that chance? Only the voting machine knows... mwahahaha!

when i joined a disappointing fan club

So I got my Star Wars fanclub packet thing today (after nearly a year since I joined). It's kinda disappointing. Two posters (both of which are ads for things - one for legos and one for a card game). A Return of the Jedi trading card, and some weird fold out thing with a picture of Jabba on the inside. The best thing is the nice little card that says ...

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