when I pitied the fool
I really hate those XMas Old Navy commercials. Todays shirt: Mr. T President Nixon says he pities the fool who doesn't like my Mr. T shirt!
I really hate those XMas Old Navy commercials. Todays shirt: Mr. T President Nixon says he pities the fool who doesn't like my Mr. T shirt!
Have a viddy at my purple cloak! I posted it over at my cosplay journal but figgered I'd better post it here, too.
Today's shirt: The Empire Strikes Back This was the first shirt I ever bought at a Hot Topic. I was in Nashville for MTAC 2001 and we went to the mall nearby. I had never been in a Hot Topic before! OH I was so excited - look they have a GIRLS star wars shirt that's actually COOL! So yeah. I also like this picture because I tossed my officer hat ...
Is it so wrong of me to want the old Christmas decorations out? You know, I want the decorations that I grew up with out. Not any of this new stuff mom wants to replace the classic stuff with. I guess when I move she won't argue with me wanting to take the old nativity scene, and my elves, and the rocking horse music box and dancing Santa. But anyway, ...
My Ipod is a piece of CRAP. It's one of the older ones, so the battery is faulty and won't hold a charge anymore. Apple's solution for this? For $106 they'll replace my battery! $106! And guess what, I have to delete everything off my ipod for this. And guess what else? Since my Ipod came from VW (when I bought my car), my newly fixed ipod will no longer have my ...
So the repair was free because it was under warranty, but I had to pay for the tests, and I also did the 20,000 mile checkup and had a hubcap replaced (I don't know when I lost it, I didn't realise I had until the guy at the service center asked if I wanted to replace it), so all in all it ended up being freaking expensive. But anyway, later tonight ...
I've ended up having to stay in town at my aunt's tonight, so I won't get to work on this layout anymore tonight, or take a picture of my shirt today. :( A light came on on my dashboard today, some funky little thing, so I have to take the car in tomorrow morning to have it looked at. If I went home tonight I would have had to get up ...
Today's shirt: I Shot JR I found this at the salvation army. It's so awesome. It says "I Shot JR Ewing" and has a picture of JR himself at the top. I've posted it before but oh well here it is again.
It's not finished, but it's getting there - I need to fix a few small things here, and finish the subpages, but yeah. Ok. The Blog formerly known as Whisky A*Go*Go is now the much less annoying to type A Day at the Races.
OMG Ashley!!! Your mom told me what happened last night- that's so f-ing scary. Call me when you get a chance - I want to hear it from you. Today's shirt: Atomic Test Gear I love the design on this shirt. My cousin had one for a few years, and everytime I kept him I made him wear it cause I liked it so much, so the next time my ...