when i had another beatles shirt

Today's shirt: Beatles Story My cousin brought me this back from England. I really love it, it fits perfect and it's really, really soft. Plus it's Beatles!

when i saw 4 movies

I have seen 4 movies in the past 24 hours! 3 of my Netflix movies, and one in the theater. Here they are, in no particular order. Interview with the Vampire - I had seen bits and pieces of this on TNT before, and I've read the book, so I wanted to see it for real. Pretty good, though Antonio Banderas as Armand was... weird. Kirsten Dunst was wonderful. Jean Cocteau's Beauty and ...

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when ash and i joined a band

Ash and I have joined a band called Shaak Ti and the Money Makers. Come see us play at the Antenna club new year's eve!

when i had a crazy skeleton guy

Brian Fellow on SNL: "No offense if your name is Charles, Virginia!" Today's shirt: Crazy Skeleton Guy I got this somewhere online. I just love this crazy skeleton guy.

when i gave up

Oh my GOD I'm ALMOST done with this stupid paper. I'm on the closing paragraph, and I just wrote myself into a corner. I can't figure out how I'm trying to link Middlesex to A Clockwork Orange and Repulsion. GAAAAAAAAAAAAH SCREW IT I'm going to bed.

when i asked for movie recs

Like, over 2 years ago, I asked for movie suggestions. I just recently joined Netflix, and was looking for movies to add to my queue, and remembered this list! So I figured I'd update it now, marking out things I've seen, now. Strikes I've seen by now, italics I have in my netflix queue already. Please, anyone who actually still reads my blog, feel free to add any movie recommendations to ...

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when i wore my john shirt

Ash, do you want to go christmas shopping this weekend? Today's shirt: John Lennon I can't remember where I got this shirt, I've had it forever. I don't think I need to explain why I wore it today.


The biggest news of my life at the moment IS THIS: HIS GRASS HAIR IS GROWING!!! Oh my god I never thought I'd be so excited about something like this.

when i had a comfy star wars shirt

I have just one thing to say, and this is, "Whatever!" Today's shirt: Star Wars I bought this at A-Kon 03. It was one of those last day of the con, I have a few extra bucks and they're selling super cheap buys.They didn't have my size so I had to get this large, but oh well, because it has become my ultra comfy "i'm having a bad day and ...

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when I was gandalf

I am all studied up and ready for my test tomorrow! I am an Art Deco and International style identifying machine!! I'm bummed because at the moment it's looking like I may not get to go to the bowl game right before christmas. I'll know for sure tomorrow. Today's shirt: Two Towers This was one of the silly iron-on shirts we made for the Two Towers opening. We all had ...

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