when i had another beatles shirt
Today's shirt: Beatles Story My cousin brought me this back from England. I really love it, it fits perfect and it's really, really soft. Plus it's Beatles!
Today's shirt: Beatles Story My cousin brought me this back from England. I really love it, it fits perfect and it's really, really soft. Plus it's Beatles!
I have seen 4 movies in the past 24 hours! 3 of my Netflix movies, and one in the theater. Here they are, in no particular order. Interview with the Vampire - I had seen bits and pieces of this on TNT before, and I've read the book, so I wanted to see it for real. Pretty good, though Antonio Banderas as Armand was... weird. Kirsten Dunst was wonderful. Jean Cocteau's Beauty and ...
Ash and I have joined a band called Shaak Ti and the Money Makers. Come see us play at the Antenna club new year's eve!
Brian Fellow on SNL: "No offense if your name is Charles, Virginia!" Today's shirt: Crazy Skeleton Guy I got this somewhere online. I just love this crazy skeleton guy.
Oh my GOD I'm ALMOST done with this stupid paper. I'm on the closing paragraph, and I just wrote myself into a corner. I can't figure out how I'm trying to link Middlesex to A Clockwork Orange and Repulsion. GAAAAAAAAAAAAH SCREW IT I'm going to bed.
Like, over 2 years ago, I asked for movie suggestions. I just recently joined Netflix, and was looking for movies to add to my queue, and remembered this list! So I figured I'd update it now, marking out things I've seen, now. Strikes I've seen by now, italics I have in my netflix queue already. Please, anyone who actually still reads my blog, feel free to add any movie recommendations to ...
Ash, do you want to go christmas shopping this weekend? Today's shirt: John Lennon I can't remember where I got this shirt, I've had it forever. I don't think I need to explain why I wore it today.
The biggest news of my life at the moment IS THIS: HIS GRASS HAIR IS GROWING!!! Oh my god I never thought I'd be so excited about something like this.
I have just one thing to say, and this is, "Whatever!" Today's shirt: Star Wars I bought this at A-Kon 03. It was one of those last day of the con, I have a few extra bucks and they're selling super cheap buys.They didn't have my size so I had to get this large, but oh well, because it has become my ultra comfy "i'm having a bad day and ...
I am all studied up and ready for my test tomorrow! I am an Art Deco and International style identifying machine!! I'm bummed because at the moment it's looking like I may not get to go to the bowl game right before christmas. I'll know for sure tomorrow. Today's shirt: Two Towers This was one of the silly iron-on shirts we made for the Two Towers opening. We all had ...