when i started my puzzle

Leave me alone, I'm working on my puzzle!

when i got a bunch of christmas presents

The Haul: Dressform (!! although i got that early) 4 piece purple luggage set Hamper Purple dog pillow Green army jacket giant LOTR calendar (has all the posters in it) Monopoly socks 3 belts Snowman pj pants Luggage tag with a monkey on it NY Macy's makeup bag red blanket A&F gift card Marx Bros DVD set Seinfeld seasons 1 & 2 Scouttrooper action figure A monkey that grows when you put him ...

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when i was sick during a wintery mix

I have been throwing up all afternoon. I don't know why... it sucks, I can't keep anything down. Other than that I feel fine. I ate some reese's about 30 minutes ago and I thought maybe it was going to be ok, but now I feel icky again. :( I don't have anything I can take for it, either, so I'm about to just take some tylenol PM and go back to ...

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when we realized HP6’s release date

Hey Ash.... you realise that the day HP6 is going to be released... is smack in the middle of Comic Con? Should we try to get it while we're there, or wait til we get back? I'm sure there will be some fun stuff going on in San Diego...

when i was playing ff7 again

Ash - this book is so good! Haha, the first chapter with Burnham on the boat was like a minature review of my Architecture class with the names! Do you mind if I keep it until the start of next semester, so I can show it to my teacher? I got some shopping done today. I finished mom, got rachel, and got indy's. Now I just need to finish mel, ...

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when it was ash’s bday again

HAPPY BDAY ASH! Youa re officially old. hahahaha!! Now I go to mema's. Good bye.

when I got As all around

A's all around. Bwahaha, my plan to take over the world is progressing nicely.

when ash wrote a haiku

A haiku by Ash: the mole saw the gum It looked minty and tasty He ate it and died.

when i was played by lisa kudrow

I just splurged and bought myself a Christmas present. Nothing major, just two of the nice, hard cover, Books of Wonder editions of two of the Oz books. I've been wanting all of them for ages but I never buy them cause I've already got (or had) paperback editions of all of them, and the hardback Books of Wonder are about $15-20... I just never feel like spending an extra 20 ...

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