when i was an opera singer
I have decided to quit school and my job and begin training as an OPERA SINGER! go me
I have decided to quit school and my job and begin training as an OPERA SINGER! go me
I watched The Exorcist on my computer the night before last. It was about halfway through, and my computer just shut down out of nowhere. It was plugged into the wall and everything.. it just shut down. It was creepy. Then last night, I watched the Director's Commentary, which I always do. That's a big draw for me, for a DVD - commentaries! I love commentaries! But the one on ...
I'm tempted to remove my descriptions of my pictures from elfwood all together, since apparently nobody reads them. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten comments about how "Galadriel has blonde hair," on my Arwen and Frodo picture, when it says quite clearly in my description that it is ARWEN and Frodo. I got another one yesterday, and then the commenter went to my Galadriel picture and posted, "...
Baby dingoes!! Baby dingoes on Letterman!! ..... and now Bush babies!!! EEEEEE *dies of cuteness*
OMG There was just a mouse in the house!!! We've never had a mouse in the house before... Hobbes was trying to get something behind my suitcase in the hallway, and I thought one of his toys was back there. So I moved the suitcase to get it out and something comes flying out and hits my knee! Then it went in my parents room. Mom and looked around for ...
Remember how I posted about that church with the sign, and I was trying to describe the kind of things they put on there? I used "Seven days without prayer makes one weak" as an my example... Guess what their sign says this week? Weeeeird. Are they like, stalking me? LJ is down which kinda cancels the post I was about to make there, so what the hey, I'll make ...
I pass this church everyday, and their sign out front always has some silly pun on it (like, "Seven days without prayer makes one weak.") Yesterday, all it said was this: ..... ! The next day it was something different, but I really liked that one.
Definition of "Kell Syndrome". "The disease which is classified by symptoms of extreme lack of test preperation, thereby causing sickness and absence of school." it's... true
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