when indy found a toy

Hee! Cute things Indy has done recently: Ash and I went up the attic to find a board game to play, and Indy came with us. There was an old dog toy on the floor - I think it was one of Molly's - and Indy picked it up and started playing with it, all excited. We were done by that time, so I said, "Let's go, Indy." Indy actually ...

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when i needed some alone time

Today was not easy. I think I've ended up making myself sick - I ended up skipping school today, I'm so tired and icky feeling. I'm going to try not to talk about it anymore here... forgive me if I do, I know it's depressing to read. But that brings about something I kept meaning to mention! You may have noticed I've taken comments off here recently. I did this ...

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when it was bad

Yesterday was simply the worst moment of my life. Everyone who has a loved pet, hold them close and enjoy every minute with them.

when it was quiet

My little friend is gone, there's nothing else to do now but move on and remember all the good times I had with him. Still, this house is very sad right now. Mum keeps crying and blaming herself. Dad is just quiet. I'm going out to lunch with my grandmother. That will be nice. I have no idea what do do. I was supposed to start on my Padme underdress ...

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when we played soul caliber to distract me

Nothing like VOLDO pr0n to make me laugh for a few minutes. I miss my kitty. I'll get my mind off it for a few minutes, and then I'll see him again. I'm glad Ash is here to take my mind off it, though.

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I'm glad Ash has been here tonight to keep me cheered up... here's some random stupidity that happened tonight. For some reason, out of nowhere, while we were looking at references of one of the Arwen dresses I'm making this year, I said, "What if Steven Tyler had played Elrond?" The idea cracked us up, so I made this. Is that not scary? HAhahahaha

when a dude fell asleep

My cousin broke his ankle in his basketball game tonight ! I never got to see him play this season either! Haha, some dude in my class today fell asleep while we were watching a video, and the class ended. I needed to get past him... I thought should I wake him up so the teacher doesn't see, or just leave him? I ended up leaving him. Poor dude.

when my hair exploded

And on a completely unrelated note... I curled my hair sunday night, and when I took it down monday morning, it was like, an explosion. HOLY CRAP it looked so stupid I had to take pictures. All I could think was, "Why can't it turn out like this when I curl it for Hermione?!" bwhahaha... it did calm down later and looked more like it normally does when I curl ...

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when the tv kept me busy

2 hours worth of American Idol to watch... 6 hours of Pride and Prejudice... yay :D