when schedules clashed

Ooooooof I am in pain from the basketball game........! We lost, but we won. Go figure. (we won by forfeit, but we went ahead and played them by loaning them one of our players, and we lost. haha) I am sad because I'm not going to be here for RAT's play. It's on the EXACT same weekend as Celebration III. SAD! I'll still get to see the dress rehearsals and ...

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when shakespeare in love was on tv

SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE IS ON TV. AHHHHHHHHH I'm in such a strange mood.

when i posted my HP valentines

I just updated the site with my 2 HP V-day card entries! Here's one! Hermione and Crookshanks, love your fur children too :)

when kevin found his true calling

I'm keeping my cousin this week, and this afternoon I went to Hobby Lobby to use my gift cards I've racked up over the past half year. When in the bead/necklace/etc aisle, he found this pendant that looked like a sword. He asked if he could have it, and since it was only $3 and was in a super good mood (I'm at Hobby Lobby with gift cards, of ...

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when i hated coupons

Random annoyance: I hate the word coupon. Especially when it's pronounced "Coo-pon." But I hate it all ways, just that one slightly more. Stupid coupons.

when there was an earthquake

Earthquake! I woke up this morning and the house was shaking and rumbling. I thought at first it was the heat coming on (just really loudly and violently than normal), or a plane passing really low, and then I thought "maybe it's an earthquake" and then I went back to sleep. As you can tell I was very concerned. So then Kristie told me there'd been an earthquake this morning... ...

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when i posted my schedule

For no reason, here's my travel schedule thus far this year (cons and otherwise) March - Jackson for spring break, don't have exact dates yet. MidSouthCon - April 2-4. Celebration III/Indianapolis - April 20-24 A-Kon/Dallas - June 3-5 Comic Con/San Diego - July 13-17 Dragoncon/Atlanta - uh, September 2-5 I think. Maybe sometime mid April go to Sewanee for a weekend, dunno. Nashville for a weekend ...

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when i spent the day with my grandpa

So yesterday I spent the afternoon with my grandparents. It was really nice, my granddad showed me his WW2 uniform and told me about his time in the Air Force. He also showed me his collection of old postcards... he has a LOT of them, but they're not just any old postcards, they're all from family members dating back over 100 years ago in some cases... from all over England, and ...

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when i wanted to go ride a bike

This weekend... Saturday I'm planning on going bowling with the Memphis Fanforce, should be fun, should be sore on sunday, haha :) Sunday I'm going to spend the afternoon with my grandparents. In other news, I've been working on my costume site's redesign for like, a month now. It's still got a ways to go, because I'm redoing EVERYTHING, an I'm also moving it to a new address. I hope I ...

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when i thought maybe a kitten

Good grief, I got up an hour again and I'm already so tired... I'm so tired of being tired, haha!! Last night was our second basketball game, I didn't get a chance to talk about the first last week. We won this week! I started... mm no points but close several times, mostly rebounds and a lot of shoving and elbowing, haha. My grandfather said that the kittens will arrive ...

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