when there were two tiggers

I'm at my grandma's. Yay for me or something. Upon arriving here, Mema presented me with a large, stuffed Tigger. It's very cute, however... I have one *exactly* like it already. And who gave it to me? You guessed it, Mema. Haha!! That's ok, they can sit together on top of my bunk bed :B

when it was a sad day

My computer is being a stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid Still sick - woke up at 4AM with my fever back in full force. Mom made me stay home from work today. Can't you tell I'm sooo sad about that? Ha, ha. Anyway, yeah, my computer. I was going through my files looking for something to set as a new desktop. I came across a little screenshot of Tim Curry from The Worst Witch, ...

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when mom and i were lazy

Mum and I have sat around watching basketball ALL DAY. It's been so nice.

when it was my 1700th post

Ok, so that last whiney post I made was my 1700 post on my blog, so I deleted it, because I didn't want it to be my 1700th post! SO YAY!!! It's my 1700th post!!! *dances* and um liekwoah what is happening on my tv

when the gangster was my mom

I was driving home this afternoon, and this car gets in behind me, and is kinda following me. So I'm thinking, y'know, if you want to go faster, pass me fool! There's two lanes! But then the person starts flashing their lights at me. (and, if I were Catherine at this point, I would have started screaming that THERE IS A GANG ARE AFTER ME!!) I was thinking, what a ...

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when i really needed spring break

Yesterday in class, we started going over the SAME FREAKING STUFF I've had last semester and just like, 2 weeks ago in my other class. I was on the verge of pulling my hair out. Instead, I stopped taking notes and drew a gigantic explosion on the page, and wrote underneath it, "I HAVE EXPLODED." And then I just sat there, a small fiery ball of pointless rage. And then on ...

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when i couldn’t remember

Man, today I was actually listening to the radio instead of the Ipod, and I heard this song I liked. But now I don't remember anything about it, not how it went, or any of the lyrics, or anything. That sucks!

when the sims were streaking

Haha I got Sims 2 University to work for a while... (I think I pinpointed the problem, I think my computer is getting too hot and it's automatically turning off to protect itself... I'm going to get a cooling table for it) OMG it's HILARIOUS when they streak!! I had everybody in the house streaking at one point. I especially love it when they do a little dance... hahaha!! :D