when i discovered the problem of a new credit card

Man. A while back, my bank sent me a new card. I was like, what the heck, because mine didn't expire until later this year. Turns out some numbers had been compromised (ash- com - promised) so they just sent everyone new cards (including ash, because she has the same bank as me). So that was cool with me! Nice new shiny card. But now the annoyances have started. First ...

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when i could spell xochimilco

I memorized how to spell the city name Xochimilco just for my test today... and then he didn't even show that slide. I was so disappointed. I felt like just writing Xochimilco at the end of the test just because I wanted to show that I could spell Xochimilco.

when i was uncle rico

On Saturday, we went to get our family portrait done for my parents' church's directory. After I tore the armrest off the only surviving pew from the fire that destroyed the original church in 1923, we were called back for a photos. First the photographer took pictures of us all together, then ones of my parents, and then ones of me. For the second one, he told me to put my ...

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when i gave my thoughts on GOF

Goblet of Fire pics I guess I'm in the minority of liking Ron's hair. Like, really liking. If it were any longer I wouldn't. Harry, Ron & Hermione: good! Fleur: eh. *shrugs* I like her ok. I think she's good, not great, certainly not my mental image of a part-veela, but... ok. Rita: Not at all how I imagined, but great all the same. I'm not really like, excited about ...

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when i finished the cloak

My cloak is done!!!!!!!! YAY!!! still got stuff to do on it though.

when cath and i had a puttputt adventure

Me and Cath's random Putt Putt adventure. AKA when Cath made up a story about wanting me to come play putt putt with her when all she wanted was for me to come get her and take her home so she could get her spare keys because she was locked out of her car at the putt putt place. We did play Putt Putt anyway. Oh my She won.

when goldfinger was on

Haha, Goldfinger is on the Love Stories channel. That amuses me for some reason.

when i was worried about indy for no reason

I feel really worried... like I don't want to leave Indy at home today. I wish I could take her with me. If I were just going to work I would, but I have school too. And it's not just that I don't want to go... I just have a bad feeling.

when i figured i’d be really bad at time travel

Sometimes I think that if I could invent a time machine, I'd get all my money out of the bank and sell all my crap, and then go back in time like 80 years and live like a king, because my money would be worth a lot more back then! But then I think, if I took modern money back in time, they wouldn't think it was real, because it looks ...

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