when i forced myself to eat burger king

Today was my first day of hitting up Burger King for the new Star Wars toys. (BK, right now, is offering (I think) 31 different Star Wars toys with their kids meals - and they are ADORABLE) I got 1 at lunch and 2 at dinner. At lunch I lucked out and got the Special edition Darth Vader/Anakin! (Ash was with me, she got Han Solo in Carbonite) At dinner I got ...

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when han solo scared me

So I got my lifesize Han Solo stand up in the mail this morning. (I bought it at C3 and had it shipped home) I set it up in the kitchen, right behind the counter, so that when mom gets home this afternoon, it would scare her. Twice this morning - TWICE - I have gone through the kitchen into the garage, and both times when I came BACK into ...

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when i wrote a haiku

A haiku: Review Committee Your opinions mean nothing You can bite me, bitch (2016 edit: ok so this gif is a little anachronistic but it worked so well I couldn't resist sticking it in here.)

when i got spoiled


when it is a mystery

*shrieks* I am so tired! Why am I still up? Why don't I go to bed!! I don't know! It's a mysteryyyyyyyy

when i apparently critique myself too harshly

Guestbook post: (deleted, now) "Are you always so negative about your Potter pictures? Most of them had the "I don't really like it", "It's not very good" sort of explanations. Why do you show them, then if they are so ugly...?" ANSWER: Because I feel like it. Look I don't hate on everything but I also don't kid myself. I'm proud enough to show it, but honest enough to tell ...

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when i updated about my life

So much stuff has gone on lately, I'll just gloss over it: 1. Got my Vader saber 2. Got the plague 3. Went to Indianapolis for C3 4. Finished poster for Seussical 5. Updated website 6. Got an ulcer 7. Got Famiglia (haha, Ash - how is your spinzels?) 8. In the middle of finals right now 9. Registrar screwed up my schedule for next semester 10. Got a raise 11. Got review committee summons I am exhausted!!! 3 more days of ...

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when i sang a song

I love technology But not as much you, you see But still I love technology Always and forever

when george lucas was going to be there

George Lucas is going to be at Celebration. I don't care what you think of him, or the prequels... it boils down to the fact that the man whose movies shaped my childhood is going to be in the same building as me. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 20 years later I'm still dressing up as Princess Leia :)