when i did not want to be a police officer or fbi agent

Why do I keep getting spam about being a police officer or an FBI agent? That seems weird... in the middle of all the porno spam "KELLDAR! DO YOU WANT TO BE A POLICE OFFICER OR FBI AGENT?!?!1"

when i was non-productive

I have been very non-productive today. I got up. I went to my aunt's house. Had a sandwich. Swam. Slept all afternoon. I just now got up - time to eat dinner and head home.

when i had a deer friend

My deer friend! Out here in the country, deer aren't unusual, but we usually only see them at night/early evening. Just now, I was out on my bike when I noticed something in the front yard. At first I thought it was a person, but I turned and looked, and it was a young deer. It was just standing there watching me. I got off my bike and started ...

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when there was no lando

YES! George Lowe (the voice of Space Ghost) is going to be at Dragoncon again this year! My parents leave for their cruise Sunday. I'll be popping back and forth between staying at my house with Ash (since her parents are going, too) and my aunt's (NEW) house (with the swimming pool!) To update my list... Clone Trooper Battle Droid C3P0 Boga TIE Fighter Grevious Boba Fett Jar Jar ...

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when i was searching for toys

BK Star Wars toys I still need: Clone Trooper Battle Droid C3P0 Boga TIE Fighter Grevious Boba Fett Jar Jar Binks Darth Maul Wampa and worst of all... PRINCESS LEIA!! I've got to find a Leia!!

Hello from A-Kon

My rebel bird tattoo. It's mostly healed. I'm really proud of myself for getting it done, I had wanted one for years and years but was always too scared. :) A-kon is OK - I'm mostly here for my cousin, we're just doing whatever he wants to do. So if anybody sees me, I'll just be wandering... :P

when i made mom mad

What did I do last night? I permanently dedicated myself to the one thing I have loved my entire life (Star Wars, for those who somehow didn't know) Yes... quite permanently.

when somebody had longass hair

I forgot! I had to mention this. You know how people add -ass to the end of things? Like, "what a crazy ass day!" or "that was one hard ass test." Today I heard someone say (in reference to someone on the news) - "She's got some long ass hair!" And my drink went up my nose.

when my nose exploded

OH MY GOD... my allergies have exploded. There is no relief.

when leia wasn’t such a good idea for work

I'm at my other aunt's office right now, because my coworker called and said not to come in to work yet - THE BOARD is there. Eek. It wouldn't have been a problem really - but, you see, I'm in full Princess Leia get up today. I doubt the State Board would find that funny. I'm in Leia today because the little boy who won my auction at mom's school ...

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