when i died

I'm dead. Don't talk to me.

when i was a freckle face

My freckles are like 10x worse this year. Like, I don't mind them at all, but I don't think of myself as a person with freckles. But then I looked in the mirror in the car and I was like WHOA MAN I AM A FRECKLE FACE!! I should take a pic of me outside of costume makeup to show them.

when i should have cleaned my room

ARGH.......... my room is a mess..... and has been for weeks. I should have cleaned it today since I'm not really doing anything, but I don't feel like it :P

when i got sick and well again in the space of an hour

So today I went to the Germantown Festival thing, and got totally sick. It happened so fast! I was just like, walking around with Indy, and suddenly got all dizzy and horrible feeling. I went back to the car and turned the AC on and slept for about an hour, then went back and rejoined my group and felt fine. Still. Yuck.

when the fish died

I just saw a news article saying most of the fish in the New Orleans Aquarium had died, due to the loss of electricity. That makes me sad, since we had so much fun at the aquarium when we were in New Orleans year before last. Glad to know the penguins survived, I'd hate to think the little penguin friend I made had died.

when i was angry there was no lando

New BK Star Wars toys... to make my collection bigger. Ugh. I think I'll just buy them from ebay this time, instead of having to eat all that Burger King. Gross. But... STILL NO LANDO. WTF!!!!! Where is Lando?!?!?!?!?!?!

when i realized i had a jango shirt

So I have this shirt I hang out in a lot. I sleep in it occasionally. It's just a comfy t-shirt to wear at home. I've had it forever. It's a kid's yellow t-shirt with some Star Wars stuff on the front. So today I had it on, and I looked down at it, and was like, "WTF! Why do I have a Jango Fett shirt!" I don't know if ...

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when the power was out

So, the rain has stopped, for a while, anyway. Due to the fact we haven't had much rain around here lately, we didn't get flooded - even though it rained ALL night, our neighbor's front yard wasn't flooded (and it always floods when we get a lot of rain - the front part of his yard is very low, kids used to go swimming in it after a rain). I ...

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when i hated the news

I hate when these news shows and reports interview people who are upset. Why don't they just leave them alone, instead of displaying their misery to millions? I swear, if something horrible ever happens to me, and I see some idiot coming at me with a video camera and a microphone, I'll punch 'em.

when there was a lot of rain

We're all fine here. Just a lot of rain. Nothing bad so far. It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow, too, so we just have to worry about flooding. Luckily I don't have school tomorrow so I don't have to drive all the way into town, I just have to go to work. We'll probably be slammed at work, since our Louisiana office can't do much of anything right now, ...

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