when museum replicas had a puffy pirate shirt

But I don't wanna be a pirate!! Today continues to be good! I put on an old pair of shorts and found $20 in the pocket. Huzzah!

when i finally finished uploading paris

Mel is in Paris right now!! Lucky... wish I was in Paris right now. I asked her to bring me back a hunchback... Speaking of Paris, here's something for you, Ash - I don't think you saw the link cause it was under a friends entry, but here's our Paris pictures from last year. Yep, I finally got them online. LONDON 2007

when it was a good day

I spent most of the afternoon sleeping out on the hammock. It was a very good day, indeed.

when i unpacked

man! I slept like a log last night! I also cleaned my room, yay. Finally unpacked from Dragoncon! Haha. My back needs popping...

when i had to remind myself to be kind

Today I had to write "BE KIND" on my hand, to remind myself not to pick on my friends so much (mostly Kevin). But it's come in more useful for sticking my hand in Kristie's face to remind her to be kind to me. I want to go home!! It's too pretty a day out to be stuck at work.

when it was fall break

OH! I forgot!! I'm going to Jackson sunday!! Coming back tuesday morning! FALL BREAK!! YAAAAAY!! I've got to see if I can borrow a Playstation, it's not Mema's without playing FF7.

when i needed to melt my brain

SOMEBODY PLEASE KILL ME I'm going to watch Holy Grail over and over and over again this weekend, in order to melt my brain.

when i realized why i couldn’t concentrate

OMG - I just realised what's wrong with me! I have Catherine-itis!!! I must see a doctor immediately!!

when i had 4 nametags

I have four different nametags at work. They all say the same thing, just look a little different. I like to wear them all at the same time, makes me feel important.

when we went to hofest

Back from horrorfest, and finally done house sitting so I got to home last night!! :) Got a bunch of mail to go through, but I got sgc_cosplay's AWESOME birthday gift - I'll post pics of it in my LJ tonight when I get home. Here's a couple of Ho'Fest pics until I get the rest up and can do a proper report: But, my room is a total disaster ...

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