Suddenly, since just yesterday, this particular picture in my flickr account has over 1000 views. Previously my most viewed pic had around 150. Who the heck is linking this...?!
Suddenly, since just yesterday, this particular picture in my flickr account has over 1000 views. Previously my most viewed pic had around 150. Who the heck is linking this...?!
OMG! Cath showed me the movie a bunch of her friends made... it was HILARIOUS. Catherine dies in it, and when they're showing her corpse, she's LAUGHING. It was funny.
For the first time in a good 2 weeks... I am wearing matching socks! Yep, both Harry Potter. It feels... strange. Haha. I'm waiting on Cat to come pick me up... we're going to go eat dinner and then try to meet up with Mel who is finally back from Paris. She better have brought me back the hunchback I asked for!
It may surprise you, but in high school, I was a member of the science club. But, then, science club at my school basically amounted to one field trip a year and printing "SCIENCE CLUB" next to your name in the yearbook. EVERYBODY joined science club, because you didn't have to do a thing, and you got to go on a field trip. And there's not many places to go ...
Today is the first day that my "BE KIND" that I write on my hand survived overnight. Usually it comes off when I take my shower, but I guess I used too dark a colour yesterday, and it partially survived. I actually wrote it twice yesterday, once in a dark yellow, and then again in a dark blue. So it looks weird today, the yellow kinda spread and the blue ...
OMG I am being a total clutz today - another symptom of the catherine-itis. I was walking up to school and walking by this lightpost, and I knew it was there, I was going to walk by it, but as I got to it I kinda hopped over the curb next to it, landed funny and slammed right into the stupid post. Glad no one saw... And then! At work! ...
Rough day at work :I haven't done a darn thing on my halloween costume, either. I don't have anything done for class tomorrow. I'm going to go take a nap.
I just got home from my grandma's. I'm so tired! Yesterday me and Rachel got there and we went to eat, then Rachel and I attempted to get online but mine obviously couldn't connect anymore, and the laptop Rach had with her didn't have anything we could use either. We spent several hours trying, desperately, to connect, haha. Then we gave up and watched Pretty Woman. Well, I watched only ...
I think it's funny that the typical college student, for fall or spring break, will go somewhere fun, like the beach or something. Or at least go home for the weekend. Me and my cousins, on the other hand, go to my grandmother's. Which just proves how awesome my grandma is.
OOOOMMMMMMMGGGGGG yes I hate myself and want to die! Ash wants me to die too, I think.