My babiessss. Plus Horrorfest and Halloween 2005 Pics

And now you guys may have seen me mention that I got the dogs' portraits done? LOL, feel free to make fun of me for being the sort of person who gets professionals pictures of their dogs, but I LOVE these!! I am so psyched we did this. Those are just my favourites, we got around 60 pics all together of both of them (none together though, that would have been ...

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when i had a fever

I got a fever... and the only prescription... is more cowbell!

when i didn’t go at midnight

Ok, everything's a bit better now, everybody sort of talked me down :) Tomorrow I'm going to go talk to my teacher, and drop the class, most likely. So anyway, did I go anywhere at midnight to get the ROTS dvd? Heeeeeeeeck no. I was asleep on my aunt's couch by 10:30. I have no plans to buy it anytime soon, either, I'm just going to wait for the inevitable boxset, seeing ...

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when i was creeped out

Oh and um, ew. Apparently this dude my mom knows through the theater saw me on TV in my Padme costume back when ROTS came out, and I guess he heard that that was my mum at the theater or something. Well apparently he had asked her to introduce us, and she knew he wasn't my type, so she didn't say anything to me. Today she told me the whole ...

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when i needed battlefront 2

Argh, darn you Entertainment Earth, stop sending me your catalogues!! They are far too tempting. And on that note, I think I'm going to have to buy a new Playstation 2 this week, since my old one died several months ago, and I can't wait til Xmas to play Battlefront 2. I start squealing everytime I see the commerical...

when i was too mean to be lily

So today I wore my Hermione costume without the robe to work. Cause it is Halloween and all, yknow. Well, I didn't curl my hair. Or, I did curl my hair this morning, but it completely fell and doesn't look like I did anything to it. So I said I wasn't Hermione, I'm Lily. Kevin asked me who I was dressed as, and I told him Lily. He said I ...

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when i was trying to write a paper

I'm supposed to be writing a paper right now. As usual, I can't concentrate. This paper is going to suck as bad as my last one, and I don't caaaaaaaaare!! Hahahaha.

when i was throwing boxes

I was throwing boxes to Kevin at work today, and he was doing really good catching them, and we were having fun... and then I guess I threw the last one maybe a little too hard, and it slipped out of his hands and hit him in the face. Becca and I both thought it had just hit him the check a little bit... I said, "are you ok?" and ...

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when i forgot and everybody forgot

Forgetting is a deadly cycle! I was little bewildered last month when my paternal grandparents forgot my birthday. Like, I saw them two days after it, and they didn't say anything. But, I thought, they've been so busy moving (they had just moved into a new house after living in their old one for over 40 years!) that it had slipped their minds, so I didn't worry about it, it wasn't ...

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