come to the dark sides, what’s up with cookies

Am I the only person who doesn't get the whole "Come to the dark side, we have cookies" thing? I mean the first two or three times I heard it, it was kinda cute. Not really worth repeating. But I hear people say it alllll the time, it's on like 30 different shirts. Why? I just don't get the why it's SUCH a popular saying. Maybe I'm just dumb and I ...

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computers & movies

Yesterday I finally got some new RAM for my computer which needed it BADLY. I got to enjoy it for about an hour this morning - Chase let Windows do its updates (which I never let it) when he installed the RAM, and so I think it was still installing stuff while I was gone all day. I get home and the top half of my monitor is flickering. It's ...

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i hate tile

This is going to sound weird but I really hate tile. I mean like tile on the floor, like kitchen or bathroom floors. It just grosses me out for some reason. It goes back to when I was little, and I would stay with my grandparents every day while my parents were at work, and my grandma's kitchen was this weird tile. They were not square tiles but different shapes ...

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GMX and Halloween plans

I found a really great pic of Chase's War costume at Dragoncon photognome took. He really did some awesome work on that costume, and it's my fav pic of him in it I've seen. :) So this weekend is GMX. We'll be there around 9-9:30ish Friday night. Saturday we have the Photo/Posing panel at 5. Heading on home in the afternoon. I'm definitely bringing Wonder Girl, Jane, Ame-Comi Supergirl, Mara ...

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this weekend has just been kind-of do nothing. i worked on my costume a bit, almost got the skirt done but forgot i needed a zipper. picked up stuff for kevin's trunk or treat costume. got to see my dad play some great 60s songs at the arlington harvest festival sat night. picked up some pants for wonder girl but haven't decided how to put the stars on that they ...

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Wonder Girl progress; wedding pic

Went to Lauren & Jeremy's wedding, it was really cool. Their reception was a the Old Daisy and it was masquerade themed. Here's a pic of me and Chase, courtesy Ash: As you can see I wore my Marvel Girl mask and Chase somehow wore my Huntress mask. Didn't think it would fit anyone else but me LOL. Sunday I worked on Briar Rose and this stuff: Briar Rose's bodice ...

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happy birthday john lennon

I don't like posting song lyrics, but it's a special day and this one means a lot to me, "In My Life." There are places I'll remember All my life, though some have changed Some forever, not for better Some have gone and some remain All these places had their moments With lovers and friends, I still can recall Some are dead and some are living In my life, I've ...

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some old pics

I scanned some old pics while watching project runway last night. This one started it. I thought, "I have to show people my pac-man rug" LOL ALSO - Paradise Estate! Jem car! Popple! PONIES! Me and my dad, circa 83 or 84? MINTY AND COTTON CANDY! I have a Hobbes. I don't remember that stuffed animal, I'm not sure why it wasn't my usual favourite stuffed animal, Mutt - it was probably ...

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my plan for 2011

I intend to be a Dr Who fan by dragoncon next year.

you say its my birthday?

yeah so its my birthday today. This weekend were were in Nashville - Chase had a photoshoot all day Saturday, so I hung out in our hotel room (which was sweet! really nice) and finished up dragoncon pictures (or at least what chase had sent me). When he got done we got dressed and went to downtown Nashville to eat at my fav. place, The Melting Pot. It was yummy, ...

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