when my site got a lot of hits

Good grief, the new geocities astrodom got over a 1000 hits yesterday and exceeded it's bandwidth. oh well :D I'm very late to work. I was supposed to be there 3 minutes ago. Er, 4 minutes ago. I should really go today but I don't feel like it. 5 minutes ago. I wish Cath would call me today.

when david was fat elvis

We borrowed my cousins' van and drove to Jackson to be with my grandparents for a few hours tonight. It's my grandfather's birthday today. It was me, na, kristie, rachel, david... and ash. lol, we decided Ash would be "Stand-In Catherine" (cath couldn't get off work in time to come). We drove up there, went to Party City to get some stuff (hats, masks, balloons and such), then to my ...

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when i got elvis stitch

I have to clean the house today... mom is coming home tomorrow and if she sees the house in it's current state, I'm dead. Ooo!! Lately I have been eating McDonald's Happy Meals pretty regularly. I've been trying to cut back on the junk food a little, so going from two hamburgers and a large fry down to the one hamburger/small fry is pretty good for me (and this ...

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when i got a sword catalog

I got the coolest catalogue in the mail today! It's like, Museum Replicas, or something like that (sorry, too lazy to go make sure). It's got all kinds of cool swords and armor and shields and stuff in it! And medieval dresses and shirts and boots and bags and things! It's so cool! plus they've got replicas of a lot of swords from LOTR. I want Glamdring!! It's almost $200 tho... ...

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when cat got a new job suggestion

OH! Almost forgot!! When we went to see Lilo and Stitch the other night, we were walking into the theater when one of Cath's friends pops up out of nowhere to say hey (We estimate that cat knows approximately half the population of the city). A college friend. We go on into the theater 'cause... you know, we want good seats, and leave cat standing in the hall with said ...

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when i saw lilo and stitch

Five good things that have happened to me lately: 1. OMG tanja drew me a Bollywood Britan!!! heheheh! 2. Saw Lilo and Stitch! Loved it! 3. Dad finally hooked the cd burner up to my computer. Backed up all my old art files - from 1997 to 2001, a lot of stuff. Went from about 200MB free to 1.5GB free space! Yay! 4. Dad bought a scanner. From his office's used equipment auction. Perfectly good colour ...

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when ash got robbed

Oh my god, Ash and her friend just got robbed at gunpoint down at Schnuck's! They're ok. That's all I know right now. Dude man that's scary. Oh now she's on the phone. She's eating pie. She only gave the guy $10. Ha. Her friend only had $3. I'll write more later.

when i looked like marilyn manson and became a key

Buy my ebay junk!! (edit, link above removed since it was dead) Umm... oh yeah. Saw Divine Secrets of the Ya-ya Sisterhood last night. It was ok. My favourite part was at the end... I really liked that band at the birthday party. Ash said she wanted a band like that at her birthday party, and I told her I wanted a band like that to follow me around *everywhere.* ...

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when i got permission

Ash just gave me permission to do something I've been wanting to do for ages! If there's anything you want off Astronomy Domine, better save it! My friend Kristie got new business cards and they misspelled her name. So now I call her Krishe.

when i remember nimrod

I forgot what I came to post about. Oh, there was nothing (that I saw, anyway) about the BREAKING NEWS! in the newspaper today. How about that? I'm not sure why I always put 'BREAKING NEWS!' I guess that's like the way I say it or something. It reminds me of NIMROD!, which is a joke so old Catherine probably even doesn't remember it. Heh, NIMROD!....