when sundowner went to the printer
gosh, I didn't realise I hadn't posted in so long. Am at my grandmother's right now. finished sundowner friday. Is going to printer tomorrow. will start accepting actual orders after Otakon (july 27)
gosh, I didn't realise I hadn't posted in so long. Am at my grandmother's right now. finished sundowner friday. Is going to printer tomorrow. will start accepting actual orders after Otakon (july 27)
Uuuh..... I came over here to say something, but now - oh! Taking SunDowner preorders. Wooooo
Another snippet of a dream last night. I dreamt I was at a convention, and Yuu Watase was doing commissions for $12. And nobody was around! So Ash and I went over and I figured what the hey. I asked her to draw Tasuki for me and paid up. She was very happy about it and drew... er, something. It didn't look anything like Tasuki. It looked like... um, not good. ...
Now I remember! I finally got to see the buffy musical last night. Though stupid weatherman had to break in at one point to tell everyone that there was a bad storm going on. Duh, like I can't hear the thunder. Get off my tv! My mom gave my phone number to some guy who is going to be starting at my school next semester and likes anime/comics. Can ...
I'm going to be off for a while, to finish up SunDowner. Tomorrow I am going to set up a pre-order page, and after that I'm probably not going to be online much at all until it's done. Er, that's all. Be on your way.
*pokes bbs with a stick* Well that's one less thing to worry about. My car almost died on me on the way to work this morning. I started it up this morning and it didn't squeak. It has belt problems, and lately they've been worse, but we hadn't had time to take it in and get them adjusted. But I *know* what it means if it doesn't squeak all of ...
I am hungry... for braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnssssssssssssssssssssssss In other news, still hate the new couch.
I really really do not like the new leather couch... I do like the dark red chair and the ottoman, though. It's nice. *decides to ask mom where she's supposed to draw now*
Bring me my broadsword!!!
Have had some weird dreams lately. Last night, I dreamt that I was driving to find my cousin Kevin... I couldn't find him anywhere. I was driving down this road near my house and I finally see him walking down the side of the road. So I make a u-turn and start heading back to get him. Just then a cop pulls me over. I'm thinking, I can get out ...