when it was time to get dcon pics developed

I have friday off, whoo!! I am going to try to take part of my DC film in today so that I can have it back by friday to show it off. *bounces*

when i said get car

I probably won't be on much this week. I'm keeping my cousin, plus now I'm working all week all day now, y'know. And then there's school. And my birthday this week too. Every once in a while, if I'm saying a phrase that's anything like one of Ulla's, I'll say it like her. "Get car, get car!" or "No no no no no." I say the no one to Indy ...

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when i doubled my salary

YES!!!!!!! The new job went through!! (thank goodness, considering I already quit the other one - which my boss was very nice about btw) I just doubled my salary. Rock ON.

when i had to research concrete logic

WTF man. I have to give a 2-3 minute presentation tomorrow in class on Claude Levi Strauss' concept of "concrete logic." Of course, I wait until tonight to actually sit down and look for stuff about it. And now I can't find anything about it, or, at least, anything that makes sense. Look at the title of one page I found while looking: "Epistemological Pluralism and the Revaluation of the ...

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when i was featured on cosplaylab

HA! Look at the goob that's featured on cosplay lab this month!

when my website got a new name

Oh yeah. Tomorrow I am starting Bad Candy's redesign. "Finally!" You all say. Also, once it's redesigned, it won't be Bad Candy anymore. mwahahaha EDIT: LONG LIVE LUNATIC DINGO

when cath called at midnight

And the phone continued to ring into the night..... I went to bed about 11:30, and got two more calls after that. One around midnight and one around 12:30. Are you people crazy?!?!?! I don't know who called around midnight - I ignored that one. 12:30, I figured, it must be damn important for someone to be calling at 12:30 (that, and it's probably who ever called at midnight calling back), so I got ...

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when i ate mashed potatoes

Am at my aunt's house for the night... babysitting her dog ! And the phone calls are following me. I kid you not: I have gotten 14 calls since I got over here 3 hours ago. No one ever calls me that much. I don't know why they've all been calling me, it's not like I have anything interesting to say. Especially on the phone. I hate the phone... generally all I say ...

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when i was prepared to be a vampire slayer

Well! I'm glad nobody bumped into me at school today and made me drop my bag. Turns out I was still carrying the stake from my dragoncon buffy costume in my bag. Someone might think I was building a very small fence. ugggggh still don't feel good. headache went away. throat not so bad. nose stuffy.

when i was sick, i cooked

OH there's my hat! I am sick. My throat hurts. A lot. I am very tired. I think it's post-dragoncon stuff. Why is it whenever I don't feel good I cook? Earlier today for lunch I made one of those instant ramen packets. After a few bites I threw it out, and then went back and made mashed potatoes. I finished the potatoes and discovered that the jar of gravy ...

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