when i sent stuff to giles

Hee! I was sending something out at work today and it was to an "R Giles." Unfortunately, I looked farther in the file and it turns out it's a Robert, but still. It made me giggle. Speaking of which, there was a baby I was having to send stuff to today, and it's name was... oh my god, I just forgot. I can't believe I forgot. It was so funny. ...

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when somebody knew me and I didn’t know them

Speaking of which, I forgot to say this earlier, but at the mall this guy says to me, "Hey, are you Kell?" And I'm like, uh, yeah. He says he went to school with me. I draw a complete blank - I know I didn't graduate with a guy of that name. But I just smiled and said, "Oh yeah! How are you?" That sort of thing. Got home, still ...

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when dad and i went shopping

Splurged today... got a new pair of pants (actually my parents' birthday present, but still), new sweater, and Sims Unleashed. Dad took me to the mall. It was fun. As soon as I get paid this week I'm going back to buy this jacket I want. I really shouldn't, don't need any more jackets, especially expensive ones, but screw that, I want a nice new jacket.

when i wanted to dye my hair darker

Everytime I tell someone I want to dye my hair darker, they look at me with this LOOK and tell me I shouldn't dye my hair black. Er........ did I say black? I said darker. I want a slightly darker brown. Is that so bad? I don't think it will make me look goth. I just want a solid, darker brown, because I'm sick of my hair colour. I don't ...

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when i had so much fanart

Ah... only a few more days to be featured on cosplaylab.com... boy, September really flew by. I am actually working on SunDowner's layout. The hardest part of the entire thing will be dealing with the fanart. I *know* I'll be missing some of it. Once I get that page up, I'll post a link here and anyone who has done fanart for me in the past please check and ...

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when i just kept redesigning stuff

*wipes hands* There. Everything is up and finished as far as I can tell. SEE ASH?!?! I CHANGED IT!! HAHAHAHA I actually worked on SunDowner's today, too. Woo. It's 11 now, think I'll go to bed for a while.

when i redesigned my blog

Ok there I got the major bulk of the work done on this. I still have to make the sidebar look a little nicer and do the underpages but bleh... god I was so sick of that gandalf layout!!!!!!

when i played kingdom hearts

HA!! Angel is Squall!! That is too funny. He actually sounds pretty good. Ah, there's Aeris! Haha this is fun. I'm about 2 hours in. I want to get to another save point, I'm getting tired of playing right now. yuffie doesn't sound right. I dunno. Squall has wings on his jacket like rinoa! cute! Aeris actually sounds good... I wasn't expecting much there...

when i went to partyland

I got Kingdom Hearts today. I also got a new Han Solo action figure I didn't have. Still some left on the Target card too! I also went by that new Partyland... it was all right. They had a pretty nice selection of wigs, much nicer than Partycity. It'll be nice to have a place like that near home. Well, the rain has started. It's supposed to be very rainy ...

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when i went to target

I updated the daily sketch again. And I'm going to keep saying that until you all believe me! I am going to work today, and then I am going to Target to spend my gift card. yay!!!! And then to the new partyland store!! yay!! I don't know why I'm going to the partyland store I just feel like it.

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