when i dyed my hair

So first my backup domain is down, and now it's expired!! They never emailed me warning me, though I should have known, sundownercomic and backup were both done about the same time. This sucks 'cause that's where my mail is. Oh yeah, the deed is done, the hair is dyed. I luuuuuuuuuuurve it I will take pics eventually.

when i put up some new products

I put up a few new cafepress items. Lunchbox! Stickers! Jersey shirt! Mug! Travel mug! Whee! They've also got a sell going on through Oct 21 so you can like, $3 off a couple of things. Yay! And there's still old stuff in the old stores too. While I'm plugging, I got that one ebay auction going on.

when i was going to get a haircut

I forgot to mention, this weekend I'm dying my hair. Funny thing... I think mom was more for me having purple stripes in my hair then just doing the whole thing darker. That's so weird. It's not like I can't change it if I don't like it, either. UGH! Nov 1st, I'm finally going to get my hair cut. It's down to the small of my back now, at it's ...

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when the day was insane

God, yesterday was... insane. That's the only word for it. Wednesday it had started raining, and by Thursday morning it hadn't stopped. I got a call from Kristie at 8:30, saying I needed to come to work *now* (I normally go in at 10:30), and that I needed to wear clothes I could get wet in. Yes, it was starting to flood again. So I dug around for some old but warm ...

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when there were dogs wearing clothes

I've had that damn "Man, I feel like a woman," song stuck in my head all morning. Except, it's "Man, I feel like a taco." Mm... a taco does sound pretty good right now. Mom came in my room at 7AM this morning to tell me bye, like she does every morning, and I had left the TV on TMC all night. She comes in my room and says, "aww ...

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when my test was easy

Umm... oh yeah! My art history II midterm thurs is going to be SO FREAKING EASY. I mean, as she was going over what the test was going to be like today, I was like whaaaaaat. I mean... we have slide identification. Only 8 of them - and she's giving us the title of the picture, all we have to do is write the name of the artist - and get ...

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when tanja’s method worked

Tanja's method worked like a charm! Next time any of you are having the same problem I was having yesterday morning, I suggest you try Tanja's method. It's amazing! Last night something that amused me was on TV, and I remembered what it was, repeating it in my head so that I could come here and blog about it in the morning. Now I've TOTALLY forgotten what it was, the ...

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when david slung the steak

Went to eat w/the grandparents at the fancy restaurant at the casinos tonight. Er... last night. It's 12:10. It was me, Mema and Daddy Bob, Na, Kristie and my cousin David. Anyway. It was nice. Mema had them put the leftover steak from my dinner and her dinner in a little box for David to take home to his sisters. As we were walking through the parking lot to the ...

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when i planned cons

Ash - I was looking at us going to Animazement again, but your graduation is right the same weekend. I'm going to Katsucon on friday morning. If you can get the day off, I need to know asap... if you can't, don't worry about it, I'm going to go by myself to mostly sell stuff. I would like you to go to A-kon with me though. A-kon is the weekend ...

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when i had a monkey

I REMEMBER! The kid's name was Balfoe. Balfoe. BALFOE. And the kid is a twin. You know what his sister's name is? Wait for it..... Susan. Balfoe and Susan! I had more thoughts on monkeys today. I thought I'd share. If I had a monkey, I would name him Gomez. Gomez would be not only a pet, but a butler, a driver, a bodyguard and a... well, I can't remember ...

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