when i decided not to be an adult

I am not going to mess with finding that guy today. I went yesterday and bought Kodocha 3 and 4. That is the cutest comic. I got a free "Manga Sampler" with them... I want to read Marmalade Boy. I paid a bunch on my credit card yesterday. Go me! Oh and I got my first checks ever... they are Monopoly checks... I am going to hide them and never use them. ...

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when i talked about school

Oh, and I made a 97 on my Anthropology midterm! go me! She started writing a chart of all the grades on the board... and it was like, 98, 97, 86, 79,78,77,76,75,74... and I'm sitting there, all like, "oh god, I hope I made a 77. I bet I made a 77. Oh please have let me made a 77..." And I get it back and I only missed one! YAY! I'm doing better than I've ever done ...

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when i found Are You Being Served fanfic

I had to share. Trading Spaces fanfiction and Are You Being Served? fanfic. OMG Was watching BBC last night and caught part of Manchild with Anthony Stewart Head in it. I only got to see like, 5 minutes 'cause dad came in and kicked me out of the living room. Will have to watch for it later...

when i spend too much time at the fabric store

went to the RAT Halloween carnival. Kristie's nephew says I am "the coolest person in the world" because "Kell knows everything." I won 2 cakes and a pie. Woo. Finally have a design for Bad Candy... hopefully can start on it tonight unless dad kicks me off the comp. Cath went to go see... Aida? Is that the name? She went to see that last night (while sick to her stomach). ...

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when we took Lina pics

Haw Haw. The rest of the pics from thursday night are up! Here's some favs!

when i got the sign

I did it. I got out of class early 'cause I had my midterm today. I was an hour ahead of schedule, so I did it. I pulled into the U turn area in the middle of the road, and pretended to be looking in my trunk so that no one driving by would get suspicious. As soon as there was a break, I took off across the street. I ...

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when we were at the wrong applebee’s

dood people are wacky for a harry potter tie. So yesterday Cat and I had agreed to meet at applebee's to eat lunch before the movie. She called me earlier to tell me she might be late, she had to get her oil changed (her car's, not her own). I ended up getting there fifteen minutes EARLY 'cause traffic was practically nonexistant for once. So I sat there in the ...

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when someone threw a brick

Someone threw a brick through my gramma's dining room window today. Hooligans! I'll come up there and show you punks what happens to anyone who mess with my gramma. Had a lot of drama today. Not liking the drama. I am going to go see Spirited Away with Cat tomorrow. And... Rocky Horror!!! I called Ash and talked to her about it, she's all up for it. I wonder if ...

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when i made a note

Note to self : Sell gryffindor tie on ebay

when i didn’t want to go to olive garden

So I've been feeling rather icky all morning... not sick... just, y'know. Icky. I talked dad into going and getting me McDonald's, and I was planning on settling down in the armchair with my french fries and reading in my pajamas. Right before my dad is about to head out the door, my grandmother calls. Do we want to go eat lunch at the Olive Garden with them and my ...

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