when my journal had comments

Oh and my cosplay journal has comments now, too. I dunno why. It was a spur of the moment thing. And I haven't updated sketch today... I'm on my comp where the scanner doesn't work. Tomorrow, tomorrow I promised. I've been doing so good at it tho! :D

when we argued subcultures

I told my mother. We were having this discussion in the car Sunday!! I told her that I am a geek. I'm not a nerd, I'm not a dork (well, maybe a little dork). There are differences between the three. They're hard for me to explain, but there are. You guys know what I'm talking about, right? I am a geek, I know this, I accept this. Cath assured me ...

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when leprosy was a thing

So I went to the mall yesterday morning before work to pick up a CD, and a friend of mine was working at the music store when I get there! I got a free Spider-man ornament and a LOTR keychain! So I was at my aunt's office and they were doing inventory. My aunt asks me, "Hey, you know what this drug is for?" I look at it, there's only ...

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when cath had a realization

Best quote from last night: Catherine, referring to the Rocky Horror Picture Show, "The thing I hated most about it? The fact that Tim Curry can walk better in heels than I can." it's so true.

when we had a halloween party

The party tonight was fun! First we all ate a little something, then played some DDR... Then we played our murder mystery game. I was Eve, who was pushing her husband to claim the title of the recently dead duke so she could be a duchess, and who claimed to be from a rich french family but who had actually been a call girl in the past! LOL Around midnight ...

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when i compared hermione hair

Oh yeah! Before After Before and After Dying... see, all those lighter blonder "honey" spots are gone! Yay! Also you see normally when I wear Hermione, the night before after washing my hair I braid it and let it dry like that (like in the first pic). I didn't do that this time, cause I didn't want my hair to look like that for Arwen, so that's what my hair ...

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when i wore arwen to school

Yesterday was OK. I wore Arwen all day... it was ok to work in, the heels gave me a little trouble, and I kept stepping on my dress. I got to school and found out there had been a threat that morning - they have found a live ammo clip right outside the back of the school with a note attached to it saying something like, "your name here." And ...

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when i was super bored

I was this bored in class today: I'm so excited for Halloween! I'm going to wear Arwen all day, then wear Hermione that night 'cause I'm going to the trunk or treat thing for kids with my aunt. I figure I'll go for the recognition instead of warmth... ha. I'll take a pic of me in Hermione, 'cause you'll really be able to tell the difference in my hair then... ...

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when kevin had a million apologies

I *told* you guys to take care of things for me while I'm gone, and look what happens, Richard Harris dies. Anyway. I feel like I've been cut off from the world for the past three days. We were in the Ozarks, doing a lot of nothing. I didn't think I'd have much of anything to write about, but I do. We went around to a bunch of springs and ...

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when i had ya’ll watch the monkeys

I'll be back Monday. Watch the monkeys for me while I'm gone. And: reminder to me to write about the weird black thing I got in the mail. And that poster I had to do.