when we had a weird sleepover

Last night was *weird.* But fun. At 10:30 last night I went over to Cath's house. We had been planning on having this little get-together for a while, to watch the extended LOTR dvd. So it was me, Catherine, Sara and Josh and Mel......... and about 30 other people. They were having the cast party for the play at the same time. Basically everyone sat around telling stories about our school for ...

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when we saw chamber of secrets

Harry Potter, very very good. The only thing I can say I didn't like was Moaning Myrtle. I did get kind of antsy in the long talking parts though (like in hagrid's hut). And it did end on a weird "yay hagrid" note... I mean, that's all very well and fine but it just dragged out and seemed... weird. I was the only one in costume AGAIN. And not just ...

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when i finished my sakura costume

Hey Mariessa! No, I'm not planning on going to Anime Boston... I've already hit my limit on cons for next year. So far it's gonna be Katsucon (Crystal City, VA, feb 14-16), Project A-kon (dallas, tx, May 30-june1), Anime Expo (Anaheim, CA 4th of july weekend), MTAC (nashville, tn, no date set yet), and Dragoncon (atlanta GA, aug 30-sept 2 or something). When is the harry potter convention? Are dates set ...

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when i drew spike for tanja

a gift for tanja, for no good reason other than the fact she is cool!:

when i didn’t have a fever it was just hot in here

You know, "bicker" doesn't sound like it would be a bad thing. It sounds like "frolic" or something. Like, let's all go frolic and bicker in the garden (and gyre and gimble in the wabe, while we're at it). I don't know, I was just thinking about that today at work. I had one of my movie dreams last night, one of those dreams where there's a cohesive storyline and ...

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when it was play time again

Tonight's the night... yep, they finally called me and told me to come up to the school and take pictures of the cast. The play is friday night. I have school tonight beforehand, work all day tomorrow, work and then school again thursday and thursday night I need to print it out. I don't guess you guys will hear from me much until saturday....

when i looked stupid

I can't wear jeans to work this week 'cause the big boss from out of town is there, which only leaves me one pair of pants: my khaki pants. Out of desperation to not wear the same pair of pants ALL week, I decided to try the green pants I wore with my elf costume last year (the only time I've ever worn those pants). I put them on this ...

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when indy ran off

I forgot to mention that yesterday I spent 20 minutes climbing through the woods looking for my crazy dog. She ran off back there and WOULD NOT come out. I had to crawl my way through the underbrush calling for her trying to find her. I felt like some kind of jungle woman. I did find her eventually... and BOY was she in trouble.

when i finally took some medicine

Last night I had such a horrible headache!! It was horrible! From 2 in the afternoon to 10 at night. I finally took something for it around 9:30, after trying a nap, a bath, eating... everything I normally do to get rid of a headache. I hate taking medicine, but it was just so bad I finally gave in and took some. It was gone in about 15 minutes. Stupid medicine. That's all.