when i looked like a goomba

I'm sitting here waiting to do my interview for my anthropology class... I have to interview someone who grew up in a different culture for 15 minutes (on tape) and then transcribe it... it's sort of our final project even though we also have a final exam. I'm interviewing a lady who works with my dad from China. I hope I can stretch this out for 15 minutes. I got my new ...

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when i got some japanese gifts

Sometimes I think people do something to me or say something just to make me write about it in my blog. It's like, they know I have a blog or something, so they want to make me freaked out so that I'll write about them. Which doesn't always happen, I maybe only write about half the stuff that happens to me. It's not like hiding anything, I just have to ...

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when cath had a dinner theater

Ok. So. The dinner theater last night. Basically, it was people from her student group and/or our old high school performing broadway songs. It was to raise money to send missionaries somewhere. Most of the performances went pretty well. Poor Mel, I'm not sure what happened to her, but she had to miss her song cause she wasn't feeling well. But anyway, my cousin Rachel sang I Just Can't ...

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when i needed to scan something first

So. Tonight was Cath's Dinner Theater, to raise money for their student group - on second thought, I'll finish this story tomorrow. I have to scan something first.

when i had funny search hits again

Hey! Who hit my site looking for the Memphis muvico playing Harry Potter? Are you going? ....... Will you take me with you? Please? Also, whoever just hit my site looking for he-man yaoi... that's hilarious!

when i need my back popped

Could someone please pop my back for me? Dude. Ow.

when the dentist stalked me

Ok, so today, I was supposed to have this dentist appointment. It was just for a crown, which isn't all that bad I guess. I told my mom I need more time than two days to mentally prepare myself for a dentist appointment. I knew my chances of getting her to change the appointment were slim, seeing as how she already did it once - I was supposed to do ...

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when a ghost followed us

A couple of months ago, we were all hanging out and Mel said that her answering machine had had a ghost in it (which had come from someplace else, I can't remember where), that made it do really strange things. The ghost has passed from her answering machine into Catherine's stereo one night. She and Mel were talking on the phone when suddenly her stereo came on by itself and ...

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when i loved dvd commentaries

I just sat in the living room and watched the first half of LOTR with the cast commentary on (I love that about DVDs, the commentary is often the thing that makes me buy the dvd. I've often rented movies and just watched the commentary instead of the regular movie.). the four hobbits' commentary was my favourite, it was really funny. It just makes the movie that much better to ...

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when i complained about buffy

Play yesterday went good. It was funny. I got a lot of orders for the poster. Yay! Then last night we all went out to eat in celebration of Ash's good report card, and she chose Bahama Breeze. Tonight dad is bringing me molly's home, I don't think I could handle mcdonald's again tonight after the bad mcd's i had the other day. FINALLY watched last week's buffy - that ...

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