when it was after christmas

The rest of xmas was pretty good. I got a necklace and an artbook and a calendar and some cash, and a Hobby Lobby gift card and Ash got me the Buffy board game!! :D I was all icky feeling yesterday. We did go to the fabric store... today I worked ALL FREAKING DAY... I just got home a few minutes ago...

when dad and i played video games

Ok, so this morning, besides the bike, I got mostly clothes. Which is what I asked for, I really needed new clothes and I got a lot of them! Besides the clothes I got the Arwen and Aragorn dolls, and the Gandalf/Shadowfax set (which is like, the only thing I really asked for), Two Towers for PS2, a Harry Potter calendar, a cute little curious george, lots of candy, ...

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when it was christmas

Merry Christmas!!!!!! Yesterday's haul: X-box Buffy for X-box Tony Hawk for X-box (which I have actually been playing more than Buffy) a neat shirt Princess Bride script LOTR script chopsticks Late Show with David Letterman t-shirt A neat book about LOTR pajamas umm... that's all I can remember right now. And then all the random stuff from my stocking like toothpaste and shampoo and gift cards, etc And the thing ...

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when mema was driving me crazy

AHHHHH My grandmother is driving me CRAZY!!!!!!!! I know she got me an X-box and the Buffy game, cause she told me. But she said she got me something else, and won't tell me what it is. Conversation from earlier today follows: Mema: I was kind of worried... but I got Cath the computer and Rachel lots of gift certificates and David the telescope... just don't get too excited when ...

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when i was gone again

Er yeah I am back at my gramma's until tues. So nothing will get done until next week.

when sean penn saw LOTR with us

A poem: I am wearing my Slytherin socks today So everybody better stay out of my way Oh, and Sean Penn was at the LOTR opening. He's filming a movie here. I didn't see him but people were getting his autograph. I should have gone and found him and said hey.

when we saw two towers

I don't think there's any major spoilers in this, but if you haven't read the book or something you might wanna just skip over. Hobbits - When Frodo starts to get affected by the ring (specially towards the end) he looks really cool. Sam, Merry and Pippin didn't have much to do, so not much thoughts on that... except when Sam said, "I'm your Sam!" I was all verklempt. Aragorn ...

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when i was excited


when i was worried about two towers

I'm so excited about tomorrow, and worried, too. Excited to see TTT, and hang out with all my friends... we're probably going to be out all night, we're heading down towards the theater around 7 to go ahead and buy tickets, and eat, and hang out until time to get in line for the midnight movie. And once the movie is finally over, the reading group is going to have a ...

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