Art Post: Wizard
A quick five minute thing of Ash's Harry Potter Mary Sue, Kirin Pandora. Done for our cosplay page, namely Ash's Wizard Costume.
A quick five minute thing of Ash's Harry Potter Mary Sue, Kirin Pandora. Done for our cosplay page, namely Ash's Wizard Costume.
Here's a huge dump of all of the illustration board pieces I did to sale at MTAC! Do I need to say, bad scan? bah. She looks evil. I didn't think about this one enough before I did it. I know her outfit is "o_O" but her hair is freaking fun to draw. rinoa turned out bad, but I really like how quistis turned out. Original is 17x15. It ...
Yesterday I came home from work, put a record on the record player and set it for repeat, and got some work done. Yuna, FF10, crayon + markers, 17x15 damn the scanner, it seems to be kicking up the brightness/contrast on everything. It's not that bright, and things blend better than that. had to be scanned in 3 pieces too. Anyway there's more over at my blog!!
This is a back-dated post! In 2016 I went back through my old sketchbooks and "rescued" a lot of my old, lost artwork, and I'm slowly getting them re-added to my archives. A random art nouveau style girl that I never finished.
I actually did this about a month ago... and then it sat with no background for ages. I did it for sort of stress relief... i didn't do a very good CG job tho. I may scan it larger and redo it to sale at MTAC.
Happy (late) bday to Rebecca! I dunno if my email w/this went thru ! It didn't scan very well... ><; Also a very happy also late half-birthday to Tanja!
And now it's.... SUPER HAPPY FUN SCAN TIME (Edit: all of these links are now broken. Sorry!) Alice in Wonderland Colouring Book... this is the keenest colouring book ever! It's so big, and... and... just look at it!! DRINK IT, Alice!! I hope I can find time to colour some of them. Yes, it's the MAGIC of Terry Evanswood. The "GRAND ILLUSION" show. This brochure I picked up in Gatlinburg ...
And now, something to consider:
Done on vacation, again. From book 4 I guess... The colours in this particular one got squishy when I scanned it.
A picture I did a long time ago, earlier this summer, for a possible new front page design that never happened. She did have scary eyes before, but I fixed them, hopefully. Anyway.